Government Employee Pensions More Generous

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A recent article from Reuters (“The unsustainability of public pensions,” Sept. 2) states that government employees “have a strong argument that they have earned their pensions. But they have a weak argument asking taxpayers to pay additional taxes to make up shortfalls in pension plans.”
The article goes on to say that the average public pension payment is less than $30,000 per year according to the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), but admitting that it is much higher than the average Social Security benefit of $14,172 per year. Read more

War on Drugs Snake Oil Cures Nothing and Costs Everything

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After 40 years of selling more than $1 trillion worth of War on Drugs to American taxpayers as an effective treatment for the drug problem, more and more taxpayers are questioning the soundness of this investment. Has the government delivered the product as promised? Has the problem been solved, or at least reduced?
By the numbers, the War on Drugs is an abject failure. The costs in dollars and human life are steep. Most current studies show that increases in inner-city drug-law enforcement appear to create spikes in urban violence. Drug offenders, the vast majority of them nonviolent, comprise half of all federal prisoners in the U.S. Locking them up cost taxpayers $450 billion, and that does not include the cost of local jails and state prisons. So far this year, there have been approximately 900,000 drug arrests — more than half (about 464,000) of those arrests involved only marijuana, an estimated 412,960 of those for simple marijuana possession. Read more

Gov't School Employees and Retirees of Iroquois County, IL Revel at Taxpayer Expense

Click here to view Iroquois County’s top government teacher salaries.
Click here to view Iroquois County’s top government teacher pensions.
Click here to view the top IMRF pensions for Iroquois County.
IROQUOIS COUNTY–A new report by Taxpayers United of America (TUA) reveals that many government school employees and retirees of Iroquois County, Illinois receive lavish, gold-plated salaries and pensions that far exceed average annual wages of workers in the private sector.
“These outrageous government-employee pensions are bankrupting the state,” said Jim Tobin, TUA President. “Springfield House and Senate Democrats just temporarily raised the state personal income tax 67%, all $6.4 billion taxpayer dollars of which is being used to fund the state’s lavish retired government employee pension programs.” Read more