High Salaries and Lavish Pensions to Make Millionaires of Many Shawano, WI-Area Government Employees

Click here to view Shawano County, WI’s top government salaries and estimated pensions.
Click here to view the City of Shawano, WI’s top government salaries and estimated pensions.
Click here to view the top Shawano County, WI Government School salaries and estimated pensions.
SHAWANO–Employees of the Shawano School District, City of Shawano, and Shawano County enjoy high salaries with fringe benefits and, when they retire, will have lavish, gold-plated retirement programs, while local taxpayers suffer through the worst economic climate since the Great Depression, charged Taxpayers United of America (TUA) in a just-published report. Huge pension payments will literally make some of these government retirees millionaires. Read more

TUA Receives Extensive Press Coverage with Release of Local Wisconsin Government Pensions and Salaries

WISCONSIN- Upon revealing the top government salaries and estimated pensions in four Wisconsin cities and counties last week, Taxpayers United of America (TUA) received extensive coverage from the local press in each community.
TUA’s release of Appleton’s top government salaries and estimated pensions was given an in-depth write-up in the Appleton Post Crescent, an article which was subsequently picked up and featured in the Green Bay Gazette, a USA Today affiliate. Read more

La Crosse, WI Government Employees Rake in Generous Salaries and Lavish, Gold-Plated Pensions

Click here to view the City of La Crosse, WI’s top 25 government salaries and estimated pensions.
Click here to view La Crosse County, WI government school’s top salaries and estimated pensions.
Click here to view UW- La Crosse’s top 100 salaries and estimated pensions.
LA CROSSE–A report released today by Taxpayers United of America (TUA) reveals that government employees of the City of La Crosse, University of Wisconsin La Crosse, and La Crosse government schools are receiving very generous salaries and that their estimated pension benefits in many cases will be larger than salaries in the private sector.
“On top of that, La Crosse County has violated state law by refusing a FOIA request TUA placed months ago,” said Christina Tobin, TUA Vice President, “making them the only entity in the state of Wisconsin to do so.” Read more