Taxpayers Score Big Victory With Referendum-Language Bill

Illinois taxpayers achieved a huge victory with the passage in the Illinois house of a bill that would require property-tax increase referendum language to more accurately describe the potential cost to property owners, according to the Vice President of Taxpayers United of Illinois (TUA).
“This is a big, big victory for taxpayers,” said Christina Tobin, TUA Vice President. “It passed without a single ‘No’ vote in the Illinois House last week. The bill now moves to the Illinois Senate, where chief sponsor, President Pro Tempore Don Harmon (D-39, Oak Park) expects it to pass.”
“Our organization spearheaded the effort to bring attention to the misleading referendum wording of some Chicago suburbs,” said Tobin. “We are gratified that our hard work paid off.”
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67% State Income Tax Hike to Fund St. Clair, Monroe and Madison Counties Retired Government Employee Pension Millionaires

EDWARDSVILLE–A new report by Taxpayers United of America (TUA) reveals that many retired government employees of St. Clair, Monroe and Madison Counties receive lavish, gold-plated pensions that far exceed average annual wages of workers in the private sector.
“These outrageous government-employee pensions are bankrupting the state,” said Jim Tobin, TUA President. “Springfield House and Senate Democrats just temporarily raised the state personal income tax 67%, all $6.8 billion taxpayer dollars of which is being used to fund the state’s lavish pensions. Every House and Senate member who voted for the tax increase is a Democrat. Taxpayers should oppose reelection of all Springfield Democrats because they all conspired to raise the state income tax with a structured vote.” Read more