67% State Income Tax Hike Finances Retired Gov. Employee Pension Millionaires of Williamson and Jackson County

MARION–A new report by Taxpayers United of America (TUA) reveals that many retired government employees of Williamson and Jackson County receive lavish, gold-plated pensions that far exceed average annual wages of workers in the private sector.
“These outrageous government-employee pensions are bankrupting the state,” said Jim Tobin, TUA President. “Springfield House and Senate Democrats just temporarily raised the state personal income tax 67%, all $6.8 billion taxpayer dollars of which is being used to fund the state’s lavish retired government employee pension programs.”
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Top Law Enforcement Officials in State of Illinois and Cook County Fail to Act

Both Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez have failed to take action to punish those who engaged in the illegal campaign tactics used during the campaign leading up to the School District 208 Referendum on April 5, 2011, by Union officials and School Board members. Details of these violations were included in two letters sent to both the Attorney General and the State’s Attorney by Taxpayers United of America (TUA) on April 4th and again on April 8th.
“If the State’s Attorney and the Attorney General won’t do it, then TUA will file its own lawsuit,” said Christina Tobin, Vice President of TUA. “Election interference was important enough for the General Assembly to prohibit in the Election Code. Actions speak louder than words and so does the inaction of Attorney General Madigan and State’s Attorney Alvarez.”
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TUA Fan Mail

We’ve been going through our mailbox here at TUA. Our recent efforts to defeat property tax referendums succeeded two times out of three. In the process, Illinois taxpayers got to know TUA a little better than before. Without further ado, we present the good, the bad, and the ugly:

Thank you, and hello back to your Dad! Lonnie called me and came by yesterday with a box full of flyers. He said he had already saturated Riverside, so a friend and I delivered them throughout North Riverside until our legs gave out, (about three hours;) I estimate we passed out about 500 of them. A lot of people were outside because of the weather, and all were supportive. Everyone was stunned by the salary schedule. Only one guy came out and yelled at me; he said if it doesn’t pass, he’ll lose his job. I apologized and took back the shreds he made of the flyer. Three doors down I related the incident to a neighbor, who said, “#@!% him! Tell him to get out of our town!” People are really angry.

“I just wanted to shout out to you to congratulate you on a job well done on defeating the RBHS Referendum. Great job and you have done our community a great service in sending a signal to the RBHS schoolboard and the elected officials that enough is enough with tax increases. We are tired of subsidizing their poor spending habits and you took the first step to tell them so. Again, congrats and good luck in the future.”

“I’ve been living in Riverside since 1986 and voted Yes in every referendum that we had in the past. This time is different. I cannot believe that in tough economic times people have audacity to ask for more money. Do not believe that more money will make our education better or cause decrease in our property value. Our property value is down as it is and will go down even further once prospective buyer see how much we pay for property taxes. As it goes for the teachers, higher salary doesn’t make them better teachers. I know of some that are in the $100,000.00 salary bracket and they are mediocre educators. I hope residents or R-B district wake up and smell the coffee. Vote NO on Tuesday, April 5.”

“Thanks for your work in defeating the RB Property Tax Increase Referendum last week. I am sending NTUI my check for $264.00 since I will not have to pay the $264 to RB teachers and administrators.”

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