Taxpayers File Complaint Concerning Improper Actions of Riverside-Brookfield School Dist. 208

The President of Taxpayers United of America (TUA) today filed a complaint with Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and Cook County States Attorney Anita Alvarez alleging that Riverside-Brookfield School Dist. 208 violated the election code provision against election interference (10 ILCS 5/9-25.1) by improperly spending public funds to advocate raising property taxes in the April 5 property tax increase referendum, possibly in violation of state law.
In the letter to Madigan and Alvarez, TUA President Jim Tobin stated, “Taxpayers United of America counts more than 200 supporters in the Riverside-Brookfield area. One month ago, several of them contacted us about a property tax increase referendum to be decided April 5 by the voters of Riverside Brookfield District 208.” Tobin added, “In more than thirty years of anti-tax activism in Illinois, I can say without equivocation that this has been, by far, the most shameless, open and notorious use of public resources in support of a political outcome that I have ever seen. The school should file with the State Board of Elections as a campaign committee to detail every cent it has expended in this effort.”
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Christina Tobin to Work With Oak Park Elem. Dist. 97 Activists to Kill Proposed Tax Hike

Christina M. Tobin, Free and Equal CEO and Vice President of National Taxpayers United of Illinois (NTUI), will be working with Oak Park activist Noel Kuriakos of the Citizens Alliance of Oak Park and other activists all weekend and on Monday to oppose the proposed Dist. 97 property tax increase on the Tuesday, April 5, tax increase ballot.
“We will be passing out Vote No flyers and talking with Oak Park residents all day Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday” said Tobin. “I have a personal stake in this, as I will be moving to Oak Park in the near future and oppose increasing property taxes to fund the outrageous, lavish gold-plated salaries and benefits Dist. 97 teachers and administrators are getting.”
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Tax Accountabilty Endorses Tax-Cutting Candidates for Oak Park Park District

On Tuesday, April 5, you will have a RARE chance to vote into office three pro-taxpayer candidates who will look out for YOUR interests. These quality candidates are running for Park District Commissioners in Oak Park, and Tax Accountability, the political action arm of National Taxpayers United of Illinois, has endorsed them.
Please punch 44, 45, and 46 on April 5 for Diane Dunn, Thomas J. Finch, and Julie Grossman-MacCarthy. All have signed the “No Tax Increase Pledge” and also have pledged to work to lower property taxes in Oak Park.
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