Taxpayer Organization Charges Wind Turbine Promotion as a Scam and Stealth Tax

CHICAGO—”The promotion of wind turbines is a scam and stealth tax,” charged the President of Taxpayers United of America (TUA).
“Wind turbines are far less efficient than coal-burning plants. Turbines have roughly 30 percent efficiency, while coal plants operate at 90 percent efficiency,” said Jim Tobin, TUA President.
“Wind turbine companies receive massive taxpayer subsidies,” said Tobin. “They receive federal subsidies of 66 percent of construction costs, and also receive more than $23 per megawatt they produce. Convention generation receives about $1 per megawatt.”
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IL Executive Committee Approves $1.00 Cigarette Tax Hike

CHICAGO—”The one-dollar-a-pack cigarette tax increase passed by the Illinois Executive Committee Wednesday, S.B. 6, more than doubles the current state tax to $1.98 a pack and falls most heavily on low-income and minority residents of Illinois,” said Jim Tobin, President of National Taxpayers United of Illinois (NTUI). “In combination with the astronomical price of gas, locally owned gas stations along the state line will face a devastating loss of business with this cigarette tax increase.”
“High taxes on items such as cigarettes encourage people to shop across state lines where taxes are lower,” said Tobin, “placing Illinois at a competitive disadvantage to the surrounding states of Missouri ($ .17 tax), Kentucky ($.60), Indiana ($ .99), and Iowa ($1.36).”
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