News & Record | Comfortable retirement for many local public employees

Findings from TUA’s pension project on Greensboro, North Carolina, are featured in this article from News & Record.
An organization called Taxpayers United for America says state and local governments should reform their employee pension plans or face financial trouble down the road.
It has provided information on pensions paid to local retired public employees.
The biggest beneficiary in Guilford County apparently is recently retired school administrator Sharon Ozment, whose annual pension is $133,765. She retired at age 56.
Next is former Greensboro City Manager Ed Kitchen, $114,993.
Then former Superintendent Terry Grier, $114,673.
Then former schools administrator Mel Swann, $109,029.
Other notables include, for the city of Greensboro:
Former City Attorney Linda Miles, $97,603
Former Police Chief Tim Bellamy, $89,307.
Former City Manager Mitch Johnson, $81,931.
Former Police Chief David Wray, $71,855.
For Guilford County:
Former County Manager Roger Cotten, $104,218
Former Sheriff Walter “Sticky” Burch, $84,268.
You can check for more on your own:
Greensboro schools here.
Guilford County schools here.
Greensboro city here.
Guilford County here.

Chicago Homeowners To See Big Property Tax Hikes Due To Government-School Retiree Pensions

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CHICAGO–Not only are Chicago homeowners going to see big increases in their property taxes due to the unconscionable 16% pay raise offered to striking Chicago government-school teachers, but the lavish, gold-plated pensions being paid to retired Chicago government teachers will result in additional hikes in their property taxes, according to Jim Tobin, President of Taxpayers United of Illinois (TUA).
“Chicago homeowners, through their property taxes, are on the hook for the huge salary increases currently being negotiated by the school board and the Chicago Teachers Union,” said Tobin. “But even worse are the extravagant pensions being paid to retired Chicago government-school teachers.”
“Our list of the ‘Top 100’ pensions paid to retired Chicago government-school teachers, ranked by estimated lifetime pension payout, highlights the stunning pensions largely funded by taxpayers — taxpayers who will never collect more than about $22,000 a year from Social Security.”
“Chicago government-school teacher pensions are out of control. These retired bureaucrats are being paid millions to do absolutely nothing. After retirement, most will live for decades, and many will become pension millionaires.”
View the top 100 teacher pensions for Chicago government schools here.
“Heading our list of the ‘Top 100’ Chicago Teacher pensions as of April 4, 2012 is Barbara Eason-Watkins, whose current annual pension is $156,103. Her estimated lifetime pension payout is an incredible $5,973,659.”
“Number two on the list is Miguel Trujillo, whose annual pension is $119,870. His estimated lifetime pension payout is $5,361,206.”
“Even the retiree at the bottom of the ‘Top 100’ list, Daniel Trahey, is raking in the bucks. His annual pension is $116,562, and his estimated lifetime pension is $1,639,699.”
“These retired Chicago government-school teachers are literally becoming pension millionaires by being paid for doing absolutely nothing, courtesy of Chicago homeowners. The Chicago government school pension program is unsustainable, and the property taxes of Chicago homeowners will be raised again and again until they revolt at the polls and throw from office the mayor and city council members who are the tools of the Chicago Teachers Union.”

Union Label | Raises? Chicago Teachers Already Make An Average of $76,000 a Year!

TUA’s release on the Chicago Teachers’ Union was featured at the Union Label.
One of the main reasons that the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is striking is over what they consider the “insult” of a mere 16 percent offered pay raise. They want a 30 percent raise. But Chicago’s teachers already make an average $76,000 a year as it is!
Chicago-based Taxpayers United of America recently noted that even a four percent raise was allotted Chicago’s teachers that raise would bring their average salary from $76K per year to nearly $90K!

“Huge raises have been offered to striking teachers. Four percent raises per year would take the average salary of Chicago government-school teachers from $76,000 to $88,900 by 2016. The teachers union is still keeping its exact demands under wraps.”
“Where is this additional money going to come from? From Chicago taxpayers, of course, by way of significant hikes in their property taxes. Mayor Emanuel is supporting a $340+ million property tax increase on the middle class and poor.”
“It’s time Chicago taxpayers demand that Mayor Emanuel fire striking teachers rather than saddling them with more property tax increases. Using his unlimited home rule powers, and working with the Democrats controlling the Illinois General Assembly to eliminate tenure, he could replace these greedy public employees with qualified teachers who care more for children than their own pocketbooks.”

Taxpayers United of America also recently released a document showing the top 100 teachers salaries in Chicago which includes an art teacher that made $234,386, a chemistry teacher that made $188,777, and a “resources” teacher that made $149,815 last year.
Pretty heady pay, isn’t it?