Taxpayers Struggle To Support Stunning Phoenix Government Pensions

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PHOENIX—Taxpayers United of America (TUA) today released the results of a new pension study of Phoenix and Arizona State government retirees.
“Arizona lawmakers have made modest attempts to undo the damage of administrations past, that have made budget-crushing deals with union bosses whose only concern is their own job security,” stated Jim Tobin, President of TUA.
“But despite efforts to reform the pension system, the very judiciary that will benefit from the lavish payouts ruled that the reforms written into law were unconstitutional, while the weight of the system’s unfunded liabilities crush the taxpayers. Government pensions are the number one budgetary problem in the country and Arizona is no different.”
“While residents across Arizona face crushing taxes, falling home values, high unemployment, and a painfully slow economic recovery, government employees continue to receive stunning pensions largely funded by taxpayers who will never collect more than about $22,000 a year from Social Security.”
“The purpose of our study is to put some perspective around individual pensions, to put them in terms to which the average taxpayer can relate. Taxpayers need to know how much Arizona’s government retirees are being paid not to work and the astronomical accumulation of those payments over an average lifetime. The 400 top government retirees being released today will collect over $1.4 billion to do absolutely nothing! ”
Tobin continued, “For example, Frank A. Fairbanks, a retired Phoenix City Manager, collects an annual pension of $246,813. His estimated lifetime pension payout could be a staggering $7,404,386.*”
Carol Peck, retired Alhambra Elementary District 68 government teacher, has an annual pension of $225,545*, with an estimated lifetime payout of $6,766,362.*
“Retired Cottonwood Police Department employee, Robert D. Ullery, has a lifetime estimated pension payout of $4,534,164* with an annual pension of $151,139*.”
View pension amounts below:

“Arizona’s government pension systems are crushing middle class Arizonans. Replacing defined benefit pensions for all new government hires with social security and 401(k)s would eventually eliminate unfunded government pensions. Current government employees must consider a voluntary pension contribution of up to 10% to preserve their pension benefits. Additionally, all members should pay for 50% of their healthcare premiums. We need a stable system that is fair to both taxpayers and beneficiaries or pension checks will stop coming,” added Tobin.
*TUA submits FOIA requests for pension recipients’ actual annual pensions, then estimates lifetime payouts based on IRS Form 590 LE of 85 and retirement at age 55.

Florida Pension Estimates Produce Great Press Coverage for TUA

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Last week, Taxpayers United of America released the top pension amounts for Florida government employees. Director of Outreach, Rae Ann McNeilly, held press conferences in Miami, Orlando, Tallahassee, and Jacksonville.
TUA received the following great press coverage:

Of particular note was the story from WCTV Eyewitness News. To see the story, click on the image below:
Click to view video from WCTV.
Florida is the 15th state on TUA’s 50-state-tour focused on the number one budgetary problem in the US: government pension funding. TUA will be revealing more states’ pension amounts across the nation, including those of Arizona later this month.
We appreciate your support. It is your generosity that makes all of this possible.

Illegal Electioneering OK in Crook County

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CHICAGO – Judge Leroy K. Martin, Jr, today granted Riverside Brookfield SD 208’s motion to dismiss the case against them filed by Taxpayers United of America (TUA) and Anthony Peraica for illegal electioneering in the April 5, 2011 election to pass a property tax referendum.
Despite the admission of the school board, for the purposes of this hearing, that they did indeed use approximately $50,000 in taxpayer resources to campaign for the passage of the referenda that would have increased taxes, Judge Martin dismissed the case on the grounds that there were no grounds for the suit.
No, that was not a typo. Yes, using taxpayer resources in such a manner is against the election code and the defendant technically admitted to doing so in papers filed with the court, however, the case was dismissed.
“It seems that here in Crook County, the government does what it wants and gets away with it. Taxpayers’ dollars are openly and freely misused without consequence,” stated Jim Tobin, president of TUA.
“We aren’t going to make this easy for them though,” added Tobin. “We will file an appeal and continue to fight this court sanctioned corruption. The taxpayers of Riverside-Brookfield school district and across the state have a right to legal and responsible handling of their money.”
Click here to see the highest salaries and pensions for Riverside Brookfield District 208.