American Legislative Exchange Council| The Williams Report: A look at fiscal headlines from statehouses nationwide

Taxpayers United of America’s Executive Director, Jared Labell, was quoted by American Legislative Exchange Council about pension reform.

State Budgets

Illinois: Governor Signs Stopgap Budget — But Relief from Stalemate Proves Temporary
A deal cut by Illinois lawmakers and Governor Bruce Rauner will keep state government running for another six months. Just minutes after the spending measure was signed, the two sides resumed trading barbs.
Massachusetts: Baker ‘Rightsizes’ the State Budget
Governor Baker signed a $38.92 billion state budget last week, after cutting $256 million from the original bill. The savings resulted from roughly 300 line items and 500 earmarks vetoed.
North Carolina: Governor Signs State Budget
Governor Pat McCrory signed a $22.3 billion state budget into law on Thursday. The budget includes raises for teachers and state workers, as well as a middle class tax cut.
Pennsylvania: Vape Shops Hit Especially Hard by New Taxes in State Budget
In the aftermath of product-specific tax hikes, “vape shops” across Pennsylvania are struggling to remain afloat. Vaporized nicotine is often used by those looking to quit smoking, and yet it is treated the same as cigarettes under the new law. Even nicotine-free vapor products are now heavily taxed.
Texas: Budget Dance Begins
It’s time for the “Texas Budget Two-Step,” according’s Mark Lasheron. The dance began with a joint letter from the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the House to every government agency, calling for 4 percent reductions in their spending requests. Various interests groups have already responded with panic.

Pension Reform

National: The Funding of State and Local Pensions: 2015-2020
A new study from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College finds the funded status of state pension plans further declined in 2015 under new GASB rules. The study authors warn that, if markets fail to recover this year, “funding will drift lower.”
California: CalSTRS Tanking Teachers Pensions to be Politically Correct
The California State Teachers’ Retirement System has pledged to invest heavily in “low-carbon strategies” both at home and abroad. “The losers will be the retirees and the taxpayers,” writes the California Political Review. “CalSTRS, the teachers’ pension system does not even pretend to be investing for the betterment of the retirees.”
Illinois: State Pension Reform Needed to Avoid ‘Catastrophic’ Fate
A new report from Taxpayers United of America (TUA) confirms the unsustainability of public pensions in Illinois. Jared Labell, TUA’s executive director, specifically faults Article XIII, Section 5 of the state constitution, which “unfairly chains generations of taxpayers to an uncontrolled financial burden created by the disastrous decisions of politicians in Springfield.”
New Jersey: Pension Reform at a Crossroads in the Garden State
Erica Jedynak asks her fellow New Jerseyans: “Do we have the courage to reform a broken pension system that’s driving us towards insolvency?”
Rhode Island: Worried About Risk, Pension Fund Managers Mull Conservative Investment Approach
General Treasurer Seth Magaziner stressed the need to be “a little more risk-averse,” but did not say projected returns should be lowered accordingly.

Illinois News Network|Federal workers paid for union time

Taxpayers United of America’s Executive Director, Jared Labell, was quoted by Illinois News Network about union influences on federal agencies.

The practice of federal agencies providing employees to work on behalf of unions is being questioned in a new report recently published by the Americans for Limited Government Foundation.
The report, created through Freedom of Information Act requests, identifies 490 federal employees who work as full-time union employees but are being paid with taxpayer dollars.
It found instances of employees devoted to union work at the Federal Aviation Administration, the U.S. Postal Service and the Departments of Energy, Education, Labor, Commerce and Homeland Security.
The report estimates that the practice has cost $1 billion in tax-supported salaries over the past 20 years – more if local and state governments were included.
Jared Labell, executive director of the Chicago-based Taxpayers United of America, said the report indicates that unions have a stranglehold of influence over federal agencies, and that the agencies don’t have much incentive to change.
“I think it’s kind of an iron triangle of issues,” Labell said. “It helps perpetuate the system, and so it benefits the labor unions, it benefits the politicians, and so why would they want to change the status quo?”
Labell said the issue of union-supported employees is magnified at the state level, where his organization is working to enact reforms to reduce union influence on taxpayer-funded agencies.
“By putting pressure there, we can make federal reforms as well,” Labell said. “So I think it’s great (to have) as many organizations as possible to highlight this issue, among many, and to try to get reforms enacted.”
According to Labell, the practice has become so ingrained in how government conducts business, it won’t change unless more people become involved and speak out. “This is an issue that has gone on without serious reforms for decades, so contacting your elected officials – that’s one way to get the ball rolling for hopefully more transparency and reform of a system that is a net loss for taxpayers.”
This article was also featured by Alton Daily News
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Sangamon Sun|Report: State pension reform needed to avoid 'catastrophic' fate

Taxpayers United of America’s Executive Director, Jared Labell, was quoted by Sangamon Sun about TUA’s 10th Annual Illinois State Pension Report.

Taxpayers United of America (TUA) recently released its 10th Annual Illinois State Pensions Report examining the state’s General Assembly Retirement System (GARS), Judges’ Retirement System (JRS), Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS), State Universities Retirement System (SURS), State Employees’ Retirement System (SERS) and the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF).
The report takes an in-depth look at the problems with the state’s pension programs, dating back to 1989, which stem from irresponsible policies and political mistakes, and gave rise to today’s fiscal catastrophe.
“In 1989, Gov. James Thompson (R) agreed to enhance pension benefits by establishing an annual 3 percent compounded cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) increase for retirees beginning January 1, 1990,” the report said. “This single enhancement of government retirees’ benefits is a central contributor to the skyrocketing unfunded liabilities Illinois has accumulated in the nearly three decades since that legislation was enacted.”
Included in the report is a case study of the Top 40 Pensioners between 2006 and 2016 using projected lifetime pension payouts as a basis.
“Surveying the growth of these pensions over the past decade provides a snapshot of the financial burdens Illinois taxpayers face, illustrating the extent of the unfunded liabilities accrued and the cost of not implementing reform,” the report said.
Also revealed in the report is that 15,661 state pensioners each collect more than $100,000 annually, and 92,638 state pensioners each collect more than $50,000, based on data collected through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
TUA’s updated data for the Top 400 Illinois Pensioners of 2016 indicate that the total pension payout so far this year alone is $91,573,671, and the total pension collected to date is $657,971,664. The average pension is $228,934, with the average employee pension contribution being $266,671. The average estimated lifetime pension payout is $5,697,754.
“Although the current options to address the state’s government pension crisis are limited for policymakers, our research concludes that immediate reforms are necessary to avoid an even more catastrophic financial landscape in the near future,” the report said. “Solutions must focus on long-term solvency in the interest of both government retirees and taxpayers.”
Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner has championed pension reform in Illinois, both on the campaign trail and since taking office last year. But with Democrats controlling both chambers of the General Assembly, Rauner has faced significant push-back.
“Illinois’ government-employee pensions are unsustainable,” Jared Labell, TUA’s executive director, said in a press release. “The Illinois Constitution’s pension-protection clause – Article XIII, Section 5 – unfairly chains generations of taxpayers to an uncontrolled financial burden created by the disastrous decisions of politicians in Springfield.”