Yearly archive for 2016

Government Continues to Ruin Higher Education

View As PDF Chicago—On February 19, Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner (R) vetoed Senate Bill 2043, legislation that would have appropriated $721 million for the Monetary Award Program (MAP) and community colleges programs. The Illinois General Assembly might attempt to override Rauner’s veto as early as today, but it is unclear if House Speaker Michael J. Madigan (D) has the votes necessary to do so.
Jim Tobin, founder and president of Taxpayers United of America (TUA), is urging the Illinois General Assembly to let the veto stand.
“Illinois cannot afford to keep throwing good money after bad without first addressing the systemic problems with our state and local governments’ spending of taxpayer dollars. The two political parties continue to undermine one another until one side can claim credit for securing their portion of the stolen loot, meanwhile, Illinois taxpayers lose either way when their taxes are raised to pay for it all,” said Tobin.
In his veto message, Rauner noted that, “the General Assembly has not put forward a plan to pay for these programs, whether through spending reductions, revenue, or cost-saving reforms. The Governor’s Office of Management and Budget concluded that Senate Bill 2043 would add $721 million to the State’s budget deficit.”
Illinois has a bill backlog totaling more than $7 billion and is also facing quickly diminishing taxpayer dollars in the state’s financially dreary general fund.
“As a former educator and longtime tax fighter, there is no doubt that too much government intervention in education, particularly in higher education, has led to the unaffordability of college today. Subsidies have driven up tuition costs, expanded administrative bureaucracies, and incentivized schools to misallocate funds for decades,” said Tobin. “The solution is to get the government out of the business of education altogether.”
Rauner has suggested he would back other House and Senate bills that would fund higher education programs, as well as legislation that would authorize him and cabinet members to make other substantial cuts in state government necessary to avoid exacerbating the state’s deficit or contributing to Illinois’ already anemic financial situation.
“I urge members of the Illinois General Assembly to allow Gov. Rauner’s veto of SB 2043 to stand and consider other proposed legislation that would avoid worsening Illinois’ ongoing financial crisis. Taxpayers seek relief from their already significant tax burden, and if that means that legislators need to pressure the Khan of Madiganistan to consider passing other legislation, rather than overriding SB 2043, then it’s time for a rebellion in the Illinois General Assembly,” Tobin concluded.

Tax Accountability Announces its Candidate Endorsements

View as PDF Chicago – Tax Accountability (TA), the political action arm of Taxpayers United of America, has announced its candidate endorsements for the March 15, 2016 primary election.
“I am proud to announce endorsements of such qualified candidates in these critical races,” said Jim Tobin, Chairman of TA.
“Illinois voters need to look long and hard at the records of the incumbents in every race and ask themselves if they are truly represented. TA can stand behind every one of these candidates who have pledged to fight tax increases.”
General Primary March 15, 2016
Dan Patlak for Cook County Board of Review, 1st District
Kelly Liebmann for McHenry County Board District 6
Joe Tirio for McHenry County Recorder
Tom Wilbeck for McHenry County Board District 1
Allen Skillicorn for Illinois State Rep – 66th district
James Marter for U.S. Senate
State Senator Kyle McCarter for U.S. Congress – 15th district
Please click on the links to read more about each candidate.

Taxpayer Group Fights Property Tax Increase Referenda March 15

View as PDF Chicago – Government bureaucrats in Westchester, Franklin Park, and Summit have placed referenda on the March 15, 2016 ballot for voters to approve Home Rule status for these villages. According to Taxpayers United of America (TUA), Home Rule means higher taxes.
“For decades, I’ve called it ‘Home Ruin,’” said Jim Tobin, president of TUA. “Why would any taxpayer want to give up their right to vote on property tax increases?”
“Home Rule always means higher taxes. Home Rule status in Illinois means that the cap limiting the amount that bureaucrats can increase property taxes is removed. It gives bureaucrats a blank check to do what they wish with your tax dollars – and without a vote. How many government bureaucrats would you trust with a blank check bearing your signature?”
“Home Rule also gives local government authority to tax nearly any product or service they want. What they don’t tell you is that such taxation drives consumers to neighboring communities, where the taxes on products and services are lower.”
“And if high taxation isn’t enough, Home Rule is used extensively to add regulations, fees, and licensing that create even more red tape for business and entrepreneurs,” said Tobin.
“We are helping taxpayers in each of these communities by revealing the truth about home rule and how damaging it is. We are working with local activists and organizations to educate voters on Home Rule and the ramifications of its implementation.”
Voters and taxpayers in Roselle SD 12 are also facing a property tax increase referendum on the ballot for the March 15, 2016 primary, costing roughly $500 every year in increased property taxes for homes valued at $250,000.
“These bureaucrats are seeking an additional $1.5 million of taxpayer funds annually for a school district totaling about 725 students. They have failed to properly account for taxpayers’ dollars, as the district is already facing a budget shortfall of $844,000 for the 2016-17 school year, and we know that 80% of these funds are typically diverted to pay for government employee salaries and benefits,” said Tobin.
“Residents of Roselle cannot afford these proposed property tax hikes, as the area’s unemployment rate is 6% with only a .85% job growth rate. Taxpayers should not be forced to take a $500 pay cut to continue business as usual in the district. Cuts must be made, consolidation must be pursued, and the government bureaucrats need to look over their options again before squeezing more taxpayers for loot, driving more homeowners out of the area by hiking their already ridiculously costly property taxes.”
You can download PDFs of our ‘Vote No’ flyers for printing and distribution below.

“Government needs to live within its means and cut spending when tax revenue declines. 80% of Home Rule and other local taxes go to pay for government employees’ salaries and their benefits. By adding new taxes, government bureaucrats ensure their own high pay and lavish pensions.”
“Illinois currently has more than 12,154 annual state pensions totaling more than $100,000 each and more than 85,893 government pensions totaling more than $50,000 annually. It is economically disastrous and mathematically impossible to raise enough taxes to sustain the defunct state pension system, and yet every unit of government continues to try to do while the state has more than $111 billion in unfunded government pension liabilities and an unpaid bill backlog of more than $6 billion,” said Tobin.
“Illinois has one of the highest foreclosure rates in the country, the state is losing taxpayers by staggering rates every year, and you have to wonder how many people could have stayed in their homes if the property taxes weren’t so high – the second highest property taxes in the country.”
“TUA has defeated 417 local tax increase referenda since 1977. We urge voters in these four communities to tell bureaucrats that they have had enough of government leeching off of their livelihood. These tax increases are not for the benefit of the many, but the politically-connected and government employee class. This comes at the expense of taxpayers, who cannot afford such tax increases, so we urge votes to Vote No.”
Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 15, 2016.


Taxpayers United Of America: (TUA). is a nonpartisan, 501(c)(4) taxpayer advocacy group. Founded June 27, 1976 in Chicago, Illinois by activist and economist Jim Tobin, TUA works on behalf of taxpayers to reduce local, state, and federal taxes. In the past forty years, TUA has saved taxpayers more than $200 billion n taxes and has become one of the largest taxpayer organizations in America. Check All posts. s.


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