ABC KHQA|Lawmakers propose new mile tax for Illinois drivers

Director of Operations at Taxpayers United of America’s, Jared Labell, was quoted by ABC KHQA about I Ride.

“I Ride” would track drivers’ miles through a required odometer in each vehicle.
It would track the amount of miles each resident drives on Illinois roads.
Illinois senate president John Cullerton proposed the bill.

“After a couple years of research it’s generally known as a vehicle miles traveled program. And that is one that is essentially a user fee, the more you use the road the more you pay, so instead of taxing you on each gallon of gas it’s charging you on each mile that you drive,”said John Patterson.

The senator’s office says the bill would modernize the way taxes are collected for road improvements. As cars become more efficient and fewer of them use gas that means less money for the state.
Drivers concerned about privacy could opt to pay a flat rate instead of installing an odometer.
Opponents think the new legislation would not replace the current gas tax but would be an added tax.

“This brand new proposal by Senator Cullerton is very, very damaging , we believe, to the Illinois economy. To be putting a new tax on your everyday workers who will be the ones predominantly affected is not a good idea at this time when Illinois’ overall economy is so shaky,” said Jared Labell.

Tri-State residents say they’re hesitant about the new idea.

Chicago Tribune|Palatine teachers lock in 10-year contract with 6 years of 4% raises

Executive Director of Taxpayers United of America, Rae Ann Mcneilly, was quoted by Chicago Tribune about Palatine-area elementary schoolteachers new contract.

Palatine-area elementary schoolteachers have locked in a virtually unheard of 10-year contract that provides average raises of 4 percent in each of its last six years.
Negotiated in part by a district personnel chief who until last year was the teachers union president, the deal also provides average raises of 2.5 percent in its first four years for the 900 teachers in Community Consolidated School District 15.
The length of the contract is unprecedented in the elementary school district and possibly statewide. Superintendent Scott Thompson said the goal was to provide what’s best for students and teachers without placing undue financial burden on the community.
Because of early retirement incentives that are also offered to teachers — and the savings to the district by replacing retiring teachers with new ones at half the salary — district officials anticipate that the total salary costs will increase less than 1 percent annually over the life of the contract.
“This contract not only fairly compensates our staff,” Thompson said in a statement, “but … it also allows the district to continue to implement the programs and practices that best serve our students while maintaining long-term financial stability.”
The early retirement incentives offer raises of 6 percent for the last four years of work, which also increases the employees’ pensions paid by the state. Teachers must take the incentives the first year they reach eligibility. The cost savings assume all eligible teachers will retire, which Thompson said they almost always do.
It remains to be seen, though, if the new contract will prompt some teachers to stay longer than they otherwise might.
The average district salary last year was about $75,000, while the district’s current salary schedule ranges from about $40,000 to $108,000, according to state and district records.
The new deal comes at a time of financial uncertainty for Illinois’ school systems as the state is embroiled in a long budget impasse, and as labor strife grows in the state’s largest district, Chicago Public Schools.
Scott Woldman, president of the Classroom Teachers’ Council of District 15, said in a statement that the state’s budget woes prompted the union and district to approach negotiations as partners rather than adversaries.
One person who might have helped bridge the gap was Lisa Nuss. She was the union president until last year, when she joined the administrative staff as executive director of personnel and human services. Nuss could not be reached for comment Friday. Thompson said he led the negotiations, and Nuss did not unduly influence them.
The length and cost of the deal led to objections from a nonprofit taxpayer watchdog group.
Rae Ann McNeilly, executive director of Taxpayers United of America, called the deal “excessive” in the current economy, when many private-sector workers are getting little or no raises.
Illinois residents pay the second-highest property taxes in the nation, according to the personal financial website Wallet Hub.
“Every time we pay government employees more money,” McNeilly said, “they’re asking taxpayers to take a pay cut.”
Angela Minnici, director of the Education Policy Center at the American Institutes for Research, a nonprofit group in Washington, D.C., said she has never heard of a contract lasting 10 years, particularly with no provisions to renegotiate any of its terms. Most teacher contracts, she said, run two to four years.
The stability of the contract could help recruit good teachers but it’s hard to predict what health care costs will be in 10 years, which is a major factor in renegotiating contracts, Minnici said.
The salary increases will cost an estimated $6.3 million over 10 years, on top of the district’s annual $160 million budget, but by itself will not raise property taxes, Thompson said.
Ben Schwarm, deputy executive director of the Illinois Association of School Boards, agreed that the deal could help by replacing more highly paid teachers.
“There could be a cost savings,” he said. “I think there’s value in it.”
The school board voted 7-0 in favor of the pact Wednesday, though the contract has not been completed, and both parties agreed not to make it public until they make sure it’s written accurately. Thompson said the board members did know the major components of the pact.
Peggy Babcock, president of the District 15 school board, said the deal allows the district to “keep the focus where it should be — producing world-class learners by building a connected-learning community.”
Serving all or parts of Palatine, Rolling Meadows, Hoffman Estates, Inverness, South Barrington, Arlington Heights and Schaumburg, District 15 is the third-largest grade-school district in the state.
In the next-longest contract known to union officials in the area, Community Consolidated School District 59 in Arlington Heights is operating under a six-year contract with its teachers. State union officials said the deals buck the recent trend toward shorter contracts during this time of uncertainty over state school funding.
In 2014, New York City public school teachers reportedly signed a nine-year contract with pay increases of 1 percent to 3 percent, though two years were retroactive.

Calls to ‘Soak the Rich’ Will Haunt Illinois Taxpayers

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Chicago – Taxpayers United of America (TUA) urges the Illinois General Assembly to reject the proposals to amend the Illinois Constitution and implement a graduated income tax by opposing HJRCA59 and HB689.
“On behalf of TUA’s membership of tens of thousands of Illinois taxpayers, we call upon the Illinois General Assembly to defeat Rep. Christian L. Mitchell’s (D-26, Chicago) proposed graduated income tax constitutional amendment and Deputy Majority Leader Rep. Lou Lang’s (D-16, Skokie) legislation proposing rates under a new graduated income tax. Enacting these changes to the state income tax would have devastating consequences for Illinois’ economy and its taxpayers,” said TUA director of operations, Jared Labell.
“Approving the graduated income tax constitutional amendment and corresponding legislation will not come close to solving the state’s budget impasse. The projected $2 billion in additional tax dollars extracted from taxpayers won’t even cover the state’s current budget deficit. This legislation will further encourage residents to join the exponentially growing group of Americans known as Ex-Illinoisans.”
“Most importantly, amending the Illinois Constitution to permit a graduated income tax gives the Illinois General Assembly alarming power over the state income tax rates at a time when Illinois’ finances are clearly troubled and politicians are more likely to make shortsighted policy decisions with far-reaching repercussions.”
“We have witnessed tens of thousands of taxpayers leave the state in the past few years since the temporary income tax increase in 2011. Illinois is facing a $10 billion budget shortfall by this summer. The state has the lowest credit ratings nationwide and by far the worst-funded government pension system. Illinois has recorded fourteen straight years of budget deficits and is in its tenth month without a state budget,” said Labell.
“If members of the Illinois General Assembly wanted to prove to taxpayers that they are acting in good faith to resolve decades of financial mismanagement, then there would be a bipartisan effort to amend or repeal the Illinois Constitution’s pension protection clause, one of the leading drivers of the state’s poor financial position.”
“Instead, however, legislators are once again focused on misappropriating billions of dollars from taxpayers by attempting to appease the public’s calls to ‘Soak the Rich!’ without letting them in on a little secret. The fact is, tax rates can be altered, promises from the government can be broken, and there is no reason to believe that Springfield won’t come for your wallet if Illinois’ financial fiasco continues unabated,” said Labell.
“Soaking the rich today opens the door to plundering everyone else tomorrow. Illinoisans must understand that the state needs to cut spending and undergo systemic reforms. Resorting to a graduated income tax will only put more power in the hands of a legislature that has run amok with Illinois’ tax dollars for decades. Taxpayers should contact their legislators and demand that they reject the passage of HJRCA59 and HB689.”