Chicago Tribune|Working chumps seek outlet for anger over state financial mess

Taxpayers United of America’s (TUA) Founder and President, Jim Tobin, leading The Chicago Tax Revolt of 1977 was discussed by Chicago Tribune.

There’s a simmering resentment in Illinois and America. Sometimes it boils over, and you see anger at Donald Trump rallies. Mostly, though, you see resigned frustration in the faces of Chicago teachers walking off their jobs. There’s a sense of defeat among the South Side Oreo cookie-makers protesting at the Kenilworth home of the Nabisco CEO.
They’re the working chumps. They believed if you worked hard all your life you’d be able to enjoy a few years of happy retirement with your grandchildren. They didn’t count on having to pay $300,000 annual pensions for public workers who enjoy a slightly more comfortable retirement.
I’m not sure how old I was when I started working, but I think I was about 8. My first job was selling tomatoes in the neighborhood for nickels and dimes. Our parents raised 12 kids and Dad grew up on a farm in Michigan. We had a huge garden in our west suburban backyard. Dad would freeze it in the winter so my brothers could play hockey.
Mom and Dad would take us up to Michigan, where we’d pick green beans, blueberries, strawberries, apples, pears or whatever fruit or vegetable was in season. Then they’d can them or make preserves at home later. If the weather was good, we’d stop at the beach when the picking was done.
Sometimes we’d stop at Dairy Queen for a treat. Sometimes we wouldn’t, and we were told it was because we’d misbehaved. Years later they told us that some days they just didn’t have the money to buy us 35-cent cones.
If our parents ran our family like the state runs our government, we’d have had ice cream every day and just put it on the credit card.
My first real job was at 14 as a dishwasher in a Poppin’ Fresh Pies restaurant. You had to be 16 to work, but I took my birth certificate to the library, made a copy, and used Liquid Paper and a typewriter to change a 5 to a 3 and make me two years older so I could work.
Restaurants are a good place for young men with healthy appetites to work, and through high school and college, I worked as a cook at Wolf’s Head Inn in Indian Head Park and later as a waiter at Candlelight Dinner Playhouse in Summit.
When I graduated from college with a journalism degree I worked as a reporter for my hometown weekly newspaper, The LaGrange Sun. The paper closed a few years later, and back then the best offer I could get as a reporter was $300 a week, about $15,000 a year. It wasn’t enough, so I spent the 1990s working concrete.
To this day, every morning when I wake up, the first thought as I open my eyes is, “Thank God I don’t have to do concrete today.”
Concrete work is hard, possibly the hardest of the trades, though roofers don’t have it much better. Painters have it easiest. Plumbers, carpenters, electricians — they all get to walk on solid ground and stay clean for the most part.
Concrete guys are down in the mud, setting forms for footings and foundations upon which the rest of the house is built. The mud gets everywhere — all over your clothes, in your vehicle, in your home. There are a few nice days where you’re actually glad you get to work outside, but most of the time it’s too hot or too cold, too windy, too wet or too dry, which makes the ground too hard to dig.
After concrete, I got back into newspapers and later, public relations. Now, I’m back in newspapers. Except for a few short periods as a freelancer, I’ve been working almost every day for about 35 years.
I get upset when public servants are awarded overly generous retirement benefits. I don’t necessarily want to vilify the individuals; it’s the system that’s broken. I’m mad at the state leadership that does nothing to fix it.
This is a completely normal reaction. Most honest, hard-working people believe that others shouldn’t get something for nothing. In 1976, while I was walking the neighborhood selling tomatoes from a basket, Ronald Reagan was pounding the campaign trail with a story about Chicago’s “welfare queen.”
Reagan never mentioned her by name, but she was real. Her name was Linda Taylor, but she had 33 aliases. Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter George Bliss of the Chicago Tribune coined the term “welfare queen” to describe how she committed fraud on a grand scale, driving a Cadillac to the welfare office to collect hundreds of thousands of dollars in benefits.
People were outraged then, and would audibly gasp at campaign rallies when Reagan said how much she made. Now we’ve legalized and systematized a different kind of fraud on a magnificent scale, and taxpayers are funding outrageous benefits for a privileged class of public workers.
Forty years ago, some people in Illinois got really mad and said enough is enough. The Chicago Tax Revolt of 1977 started in the northern suburbs of Cook County when property taxes skyrocketed following a quadrennial reassessment. Protesters were led by James Tobin, a libertarian who founded Taxpayers United of America. A year later, Howard Jarvis made the cover of Time magazine for leading the Prop 13 property tax revolt in California.
I’m angry, but I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for the executive, legislative and judicial branches to solve the state’s financial crisis. I equally blame political party leadership, legislators, governors past and present, unions, lobbyists and others for the gridlock and deficit spending.
As for the present state of the state, my personal theory is House Speaker Michael Madigan doesn’t care how bad things get in Illinois. I think he’ll hold on to power until his daughter, Attorney General Lisa Madigan, runs for governor in 2019, then he’ll step down.
Gov. Bruce Rauner doesn’t care if historically black Chicago State University shuts down. I think he’s outraged that half the $4 billion Illinois spent on higher education last year paid for employee retirement benefits. By his logic, state schools should close rather than continue the death spiral of deficit spending.
Working chumps like me are left wondering, where’s the outrage? Maybe we need a “pension king,” someone who personifies the egregious abuses of the state benefits system. Maybe that person becomes a lightning rod for criticism and the subject of so much public anger that state leaders are finally forced to do something about the growing legion of retirees collecting six-figure pensions.

Madison Record|TUA: Illinois taxpayers pay exponentially more than 'multi-millionaire pensioners' into SERS

Taxpayers United of America’s (TUA) Director of Operations, Jared Labell, was quoted by Madison Record about the recent State Employee Retirement pension data analysis.

For every dollar that an employee enrolled in the State Employee Retirement System (SERS) pays into their own retirement fund, taxpayers are forced to pay $6.78, according to analysis conducted by a taxpayers’ watchdog group.
“Taxpayers are forced to pay 678% more than the multi-millionaire pensioners pay into their own SERS pension fund annually,” said Jared Labell, Taxpayers United of America’s (TUA) director of operations.
In its ongoing review of the state’s various under-funded pension plans and its calls for systemic reforms, TUA last week issued a report listing the top 200 SERS government retirees, all of whom receive in excess of $118,000 in benefits annually.
Topping the list with a $207,623 annual pension is psychiatrist Sadashiv D. Parwatikar, retired from Chester Mental Health Center. Parwatikar already has collected $2,207,725 in benefits.
“The accumulation of those (Parwatikar’s) payments, over a normal lifetime, will reach about $3.8 million,” Labell said. “Personal contributions to that gold-plated pension were only $121,041.”
He also stated that SERS, the third largest of the government employee pension funds in Illinois, is “critically underfunded” at 35.27 percent. Only the General Assembly Retirement System (GARS), which state legislators benefit from, fares worse in funding at 16.4 percent.
The TUA found that the total number of SERS pension beneficiaries is approximately 66,465. It also found that:
• 880 collect pensions in excess of $100,000;
• 13,960 collect pensions in excess of $50,000;
• The average 2016 annual SERS pension is $35,568 (Many retirees also collect social security);
• The average amount that employees paid into their own pension fund is $36,269, or 3 percent of their estimated lifetime pension payout;
• The average estimated lifetime pension payout is $1,038,456 (social security not included);
• The average age at retirement is 60;
• The average years of employment are 24;
• In fiscal year 2015, taxpayers were forced to pay $1,804,319,356 into the government pension fund;
• In fiscal year 2015, SERS government employees paid $266,139,156 into their own pension fund;
• The net return on investment for SERS in fiscal year 2015 was only 4.79 percent, or $681,377,052; and
• As of the end of fiscal year 2015, SERS had a 35.27 percent funded ratio with a $28 billion unfunded liability.
The TUA has been outspoken in its criticism of the “political class” which has favored political expediency over fixing the pension funding shortfall problem.
Labell placed blame for problems on “pressure from government sector unions to maintain the system for their own benefit and at the expense of the majority of taxpayers,” as well as “the legal precedents that have been codified into law to uphold this unsustainable system, and the legislators who find it politically expedient to preserve the status quo.”
He said that law makers and judges have a vested interest in sustaining government pensions because they too will receive multi-million payouts, even though their pension funds are poorly managed. Their pension funds are two of the worst funded in Illinois.
Funding of the state’s pension systems in order of best to worst:
Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund – 87.3 percent
State University Retirement System – 44.1 percent
Teacher Retirement System – 42 percent
Judicial Retirement System – 35.4 percent
State Employee Retirement System – 35.27 percent
General Assembly Retirement System – 16.4 percent
The state’s total unfunded pension obligations are estimated at between $111 billion and $113 billion.
“Taxpayers have paid more than their fair share for these lavish government employee benefits, and yet the unions, bureaucrats, and politicians continue to push for expanding the tax burden of Illinois residents to fund their pensions, instead of calling for reform to this broken system,” said Labell.
“As shortfalls in the funding of these government pensions mount, the political class in Illinois should expect nothing short of bankruptcy of their constituents to guarantee these egregious pension payments continue. After all, the Illinois state constitution currently protects only the government pensioners, and not the taxpayers, so there is undoubtedly a lopsided caste system in Illinois, created and expanded over many decades for the benefit of the minority of Illinois residents who are employed by the government.”
In its analysis of the top 200 SERS pensioners, the TUA found that Cindy L. Benson, retiring from Personal Services – Sworn, ties with her counterpart, James C. Morrisey, for the highest estimated lifetime pension payouts of its study. Both retired at age 50 and each could collect more than $7.6 million in taxpayer funded pension payments over the course of their retirement. Their current annual pensions are $125,539.
Kamal Modir, who retired from Singer Mental Health Center in Rockford, tops the TUA list for the highest total SERS pension collected to date at $2,652,929.
“His own payment into this extravagant government pension was a mere $101,605 – or 2.5 percent – of his estimated lifetime pension payout,” said Labell.
The TUA, as well as other pension reform advocates, support changing public pension systems from the current defined-benefit system to 401(k) style retirement savings accounts – which could only happen by amending the state constitution to remove the employee pension protection clause.
Recent attempts at pension reform have failed. A bill passed by the state legislature in 2013 was struck down by the Illinois Supreme Court last year when it sided with public unions in ruling that the state was obligated to protect public worker pensions.
Legislation introduced by Republican lawmakers this session would give retired government workers a choice in collecting benefits over several years, or cash out immediately but with a smaller lump sum. The bills remain under consideration in the House Personnel and Pensions Committee.

Reboot Illinois|New: Top 25 biggest Illinois pensions in SURS

Taxpayers United of America’s (TUA) recent State University Retirement System pension analysis was used by Reboot Illinois.

Taxpayer United of America this week released a new analysis of the State Universities Retirement System — the second-largest of the five Illinois pension funds.
The Chicago-based organization, which advocates for tax relief and pension reform, routinely publishes lists highlighting the state’s biggest pensioners. Its latest analysis focuses on the retirement system for academics and staff at public universities and community colleges in Illinois.
“SURS is in dire need of significant pension reform, much like the other Illinois state pension funds. But since individual SURS retirees are some of the highest paid employees, and therefore biggest pensioners in Illinois, the need for reform is all the more serious for both beneficiaries and taxpayers,” said Jared Labell, the organization’s director of operations.
As of June 30, 2015, SURS had a funded ratio of 44.2 percent with $22.1 billion in unfunded pension liabilities, according to a report published in March by the General Assembly’s Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability.
SURS at a glance
Defined benefit active members: 69,381
Average defined benefit active member salary: $50,103
Self-managed plan active members: 11,928
Total retirees: 51,631
Employee contribution: 8 percent (not eligible for Social Security)
Average age of retiree: 62.6
Average pension: $38,070
Years of service at retirement: 19

Source: Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability

Source: Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability

The average annual pension payout in SURS is the second-lowest behind the State Employees’ Retirement System, but the vast majority the fund’s top pensioners are distinguished medical professionals and former higher education executives.
However, as the Better Government Association reported in 2013, many of the biggest pensioners were University of Illinois at Chicago employees who retired, began collecting their pensions, and then were rehired after waiting the required 60 days in order to work part-time for a smaller salary.
More from TUA:
“Taxpayers were forced to pay 467 percent more into the SURS pension fund than the multi-millionaire SURS retirees paid into their own government pensions. That means that for every dollar that an SURS government employee contributed to their own retirement, taxpayers were forced to match them with a subsidy of $4.67.”
We’ve only listed the Top 25 biggest pensioners in SURS, but all 200 can be found here. The lowest annual pension payout on the list is $190,631.
*Note: Estimated lifetime pension payout assumes a life expectancy of 85 (IRS Form 590) and the 3 percent compounded cost-of-living adjustment.
25. George Honig
Title: Professor, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Employer: UIC
Annual Pension: $296,657
Pension Collected to Date: $3.03 million
Employee Contributions: $401,027
Highest Annual Earnings: $333,915
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $4.95 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 8.1%
Years Retired: 12
Age at Retirement: 67
Years of Employment: 33
24. Craig Bazzani
Title: Vice President for Business and Finance
Employer: U of I
Annual Pension: $298,927
Pension Collected to Date: $3.39 million
Employee Contributions: $298,686
Highest Annual Earnings: $355,929
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $9.41 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 3.2%
Years Retired: 14
Age at Retirement: 55 (retired under a pension formula intended for police officers and firefighters)
Years of Employment: 25
23. Jesse Delia
Title: Professor, Communications
Employer: U of I
Annual Pension: $300,880
Pension Collected to Date: $1.36 million
Employee Contributions: $282,870
Highest Annual Earnings: $376,404
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $6.06 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 4.7%
Years Retired: 7
Age at Retirement: 65
Years of Employment: 39
22. Margaret Lee
Title: President
Employer: Oakton Community College
Annual Pension: $302,098
Pension Collected to Date: $209,056
Employee Contributions: $452,272
Highest Annual Earnings: $424,373
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $4.93 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 9.2%
Years Retired: 1
Age at Retirement: 71
Years of Employment: 33
21. Joel Sugar
Title: Professor, Ophthalmologist
Employer: UIC
Annual Pension: $308,498
Pension Collected to Date: $3.06 million
Employee Contributions: $446,643
Highest Annual Earnings: $326,310
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $8.33 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 5.4%
Years Retired: 12
Age at Retirement: 59
Years of Employment: 29
20. James Feld
Title: Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology
Employer: UIC
Annual Pension: $313,444
Pension Collected to Date: $1.16 million
Employee Contributions: $516,149
Highest Annual Earnings: $572,259
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $8.49 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 6.1%
Years Retired: 6
Age at Retirement: 61
Years of Employment: 21
19. Phillip Forman
Title: Dean, College of Medicine; Vice Chancellor for Health Services
Employer: UIC
Annual Pension: $316,933
Pension Collected to Date: $3.57 million
Employee Contributions: $376,541
Highest Annual Earnings: $355,942
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $4.90 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 7.7%
Years Retired: 14
Age at Retirement: 67
Years of Employment: 29
18. Jacob Wilensky
Title: Professor of Ophthalmology
Employer: UIC
Annual Pension: $325,119
Pension Collected to Date: $3.17 million
Employee Contributions: $410,791
Highest Annual Earnings: $332,009
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $7.33 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 5.6%
Years Retired: 12
Age at Retirement: 62
Years of Employment: 31
17. Robert Easter
Title: President
Employer: U of I
Annual Pension: $331,086
Pension Collected to Date: $331,365
Employee Contributions: $471,219
Highest Annual Earnings: $842,908
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $7.01 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 6.7%
Years Retired: 5
Age at Retirement: 64
Years of Employment: 39
16. Andrew Wilbur
Title: Radiologist
Employer: UIC
Annual Pension: $336,440
Pension Collected to Date: $877,157
Employee Contributions: $599,074
Highest Annual Earnings: $384,578
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $10.53 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 5.7%
Years Retired: 5
Age at Retirement: 59
Years of Employment: 32
15. Lou Henson
Title: Head Basketball Coach
Employer: U of I
Annual Pension: $336,950
Pension Collected to Date: $3.37 million
Employee Contributions: $300,266
Highest Annual Earnings: $401,287
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $3.70 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 8.1%
Years Retired: 20
Age at Retirement: 64
Years of Employment: 32
14. Ruth Steeler
Title: Professor, Pediatric Hematology-Oncology
Employer: UIC
Annual Pension: $337,810
Pension Collected to Date: $191,322
Employee Contributions: $283,282
Highest Annual Earnings: $146,489
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $2.38 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 11.9%
Years Retired: 1
Age at Retirement: 78
Years of Employment: 9
13. James Ausman
Title: Head of Neurosurgery
Employer: UIC
Annual Pension: $348,789
Pension Collected to Date: $2.51 million
Employee Contributions: $418,471
Highest Annual Earnings: $771,604
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $5.19 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 8.1%
Years Retired: 8
Age at Retirement: 70
Years of Employment: 17
12. Vernon Crawley
Title: President
Employer: Moraine Valley Community College
Annual Pension: $361,260
Pension Collected to Date: $814,450
Employee Contributions: $581,987
Highest Annual Earnings: $674,211
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $3.15 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 18.5%
Years Retired: 4
Age at Retirement: 75
Years of Employment: 28
11. Clarence Bowman
Title: President
Employer: ISU
Annual Pension: $374,976
Pension Collected to Date: $520,562
Employee Contributions: $410,284
Highest Annual Earnings: $511,080
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $11.97 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 3.4%
Years Retired: 3
Age at Retirement: 60
Years of Employment: 35
10. Ronald Albrecht
Title: Associate Professor, Anesthesiologist
Employer: UIC
Annual Pension: $379,805
Pension Collected to Date: $2.96 million
Employee Contributions: $462,077
Highest Annual Earnings: $637,633
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $5.41 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 8.5%
Years Retired: 9
Age at Retirement: 70
Years of Employment: 25
9. Herand Abcarian
Title: Head of Department of Surgery
Employer: UIC
Annual Pension: $381,245
Pension Collected to Date: $2.50 million
Employee Contributions: $628,987
Highest Annual Earnings: $579,910
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $6.87 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 9.2%
Years Retired: 8
Age at Retirement: 67
Years of Employment: 20
8. James Stukel
Title: President
Employer: U of I
Annual Pension: $390,583
Pension Collected to Date: $2.33 million
Employee Contributions: $337,524
Highest Annual Earnings: $417,670
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $5.32 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 6.3%
Years Retired: 11
Age at Retirement: 67
Years of Employment: 35
7. Mahmood Mafee
Title: Clinical Professor of Radiology
Employer: UIC
Annual Pension: $416,597
Pension Collected to Date: $3.48 million
Employee Contributions: $562,570
Highest Annual Earnings: $494,056
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $8.81 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 6.4%
Years Retired: 10
Age at Retirement: 64
Years of Employment: 32
6. Joseph Flaherty
Title: Dean of the University of Illinois College of Medicine
Employer: UIC
Annual Pension: $420,670
Pension Collected to Date: $1.05 million
Employee Contributions: $635,127
Highest Annual Earnings: $515,473
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $9.53 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 6.7%
Years Retired: 5
Age at Retirement: 64
Years of Employment: 35
5. Peter Maggs
Title: Law Professor
Employer: U of I
Annual Pension: $422,150
Pension Collected to Date: $543,220
Employee Contributions: $509,123
Highest Annual Earnings: $305,999
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $3.27 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 15.6%
Years Retired: 2
Age at Retirement: 77
Years of Employment: 21
4. Ronald Guenther
Title: Director of Athletics
Employer: University of Illinois – Foundation
Annual Pension: $459,315
Pension Collected to Date: $988,340
Employee Contributions: $614,647
Highest Annual Earnings: $744,153
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $9.53 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 6.4%
Years Retired: 5
Age at Retirement: 65
Years of Employment: 29
3. Edward Abraham
Title: Orthopedic Surgeon
Employer: UIC
Annual Pension: $466,759
Pension Collected to Date: $3.69 million
Employee Contributions: $535,165
Highest Annual Earnings: $459,998
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $9.04 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 5.9%
Years Retired: 9
Age at Retirement: 66
Years of Employment: 35
2. Tapas Das Gupta
Title: Professor, Head of Department of Surgical Oncology
Employer: UIC
Annual Pension: $480,381
Pension Collected to Date: $4.77 million
Employee Contributions: $475,331
Highest Annual Earnings: $481,856
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $5.25 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 9.1%
Years Retired: 12
Age at Retirement: 72
Years of Employment: 35
1. Leslie Heffez
Title: Professor and Head, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Employer: UIC
Annual Pension: $564,298
Pension Collected to Date: $578,460
Employee Contributions: $768,611
Highest Annual Earnings: $783,862
Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $22.33 million
Percent Contributed to Estimated Lifetime Payout: 3.4%
Years Retired: 4
Age at Retirement: 55
Years of Employment: 29