Dan Patlak for Cook County Board of Review, 1st District

Dan Patlak

Dan Patlak

Dan Patlak was sworn in to a two year term as a Commissioner of the Cook County Board of Review on December 6, 2010. Patlak’s defeat of the incumbent commissioner was the first time a Republican defeated a sitting Cook County level Democrat in fifteen years.He was re-elected in 2012 and will run for election again in 2016.  Patlak is fulfilling his pledge to work as the first ever full-time commissioner at the Board.

“Tax Accountability is pleased to endorse Dan Patlak, the current 1st District Commissioner of the Cook County Board of Review, in the March 15, 2016 Illinois primary. Dan has pledged to support economic freedom by working to decrease the overall tax burden of taxpayers. Dan’s record since taking office in 2010 has proven that he is one of the only elected officials in Chicago who is truly a defender of taxpayers. Not only has Dan’s time in elected office proven his tax-fighting credentials, but Dan was a volunteer coordinator for Citizens Against Government Waste back in 1992, drawing attention to wasteful government spending of tax dollars by organizing “Taxpayer Action Day Rallies” at the Kluczynski Federal Building and Daley Plaza. I urge voters to support Commissioner Patlak’s candidacy and help keep a tax fighter at the Cook County Board of Review.”

Madison Record|Taxpayers' advocate says under-funded Judicial Retirement System rife with conflicts of interest

Taxpayers United of America’s president, Jim Tobin, was quoted by Madison Record about the latest pension data release of the Illinois Judicial Retirement System.

Most of the state’s public pension systems are perilously under-funded, and the Illinois Judicial Retirement System (JRS) is no exception.
Taxpayers United of America (TUA) recently analyzed JRS data and found these startling statistics:
– The average amount that judges contributed to their own pension fund is $124,387, or 4.5 percent of estimated lifetime payout.
– The average estimated lifetime payout is $2.8 million. Lifetime estimated pension payout includes 3 percent compounded cost of living adjustment and assumes life expectancy of 85.
– The average years of service is 17.8.
“Our analysis of JRS reveals more of the same taxpayer abuse that we have found across the state’s government pension system,” said TUA President Jim Tobin, in a press release that provided JRS pensioner data.
“Not only do these judges benefit from the redistribution of taxpayer wealth, they also rule in their own favor to protect the Illinois pension cabal when practical, necessary reforms are challenged in the courts.”
Retired judges in the state’s Fifth Judicial District on average will make at least 20 times – or 2,000 percent – more in lifetime benefits than they paid into their pension fund.
A review of 39 of these judges’ benefits shows that the total of their contributions into JRS was $6,920,809 and their estimated lifetime benefit will be $150,543,282. The total paid to date to these judges is $33,096,062.
The current annual amount paid to them is $5,534,401, with an average annual benefit of $141,908.
Retired Supreme Court Justice Philip Rarick of Troy is the top recipient with an annual benefit of $203,859. He served 29.83 years on the bench, having retired from the high court at age 64 in December 2004. He contributed $179,998 into JRS, and his contribution of lifetime benefits is estimated at 4.5 percent.
He was paid $173,261 annually at the time he left office.
Rarick has so far received $1,913,508 in retirement benefits, and at the age of 85 will have received $3,984,528.
Fifth District Appellate Court Judge Gordon Maag receives an annual benefit of $111,084. He served 17.92 years on the bench, and at age 55, was not retained by voters in November 2004. He contributed $232,112 into JRS, and his contribution of lifetime benefits is estimated at 5.9 percent.
He was paid $163,070 annually at the time he left office.
Maag has so far received $947,139 in retirement benefits, and at the age of 85 will have received $3,931,995.
Recently reitred St. Clair County Associate Judge Ellen Dauber began receiving benefits at the beginning of this year. She will receive $154,037 annually. She served 25.42 years on the bench and retired at age 55. She contributed $282,290 into JRS, and her contribution of lifetime benefits is estimated at 3.8 percent.
Her annual salary when she retired was $181,212.
Dauber has so far received $12,836. At the age of 85 she will have received $7,341,213.
Former Madison County Associate Judge Duane Bailey began receiving benefits last July, after his term expired and he was not re-appointed. He receives $73,264 annually. He served 8.33 years on the bench and was 59 years old when he left. Bailey contributed $118,698 into JRS, and his contribution of lifetime benefits is estimated at 4.4 percent.
His rate of pay when he left office was $177,667.
Bailey has so far received $42,737. At the age of 85, he will have received $2,713,879.
In TUA’s press release issued Monday, it also found:
· Total number of JRS pension beneficiaries is approximately 1,121.
· 751, or 67 percent, collect pensions in excess of $100,000.
· 1,011, or 90 percent of retired judges, collect pensions in excess of $50,000.
· The average JRS pension is $117,473.
· The average age of retirement is 62.
· In fiscal year 2015, taxpayer contributions to the fund were $134,039,684 or 90 percent of total contributions.
· In fiscal year 2015, judges’ contribution to their own pension fund was $15,431,105.
· The net investment return was only 5.1 percent or $36,009,150.
· As of the end of fiscal year 2015, JRS had a 35.4 percent funded ratio with a $1.5 billion unfunded liability.
Tobin stated that the JRS pension system is “ripe with conflicts of interest and corruption and it is protected at every level of a government that chooses to serve itself rather than the constituents it was intended to protect.”
He said the JRS “has been stealing taxpayer wealth since 1941.”
Tobin blames Democrat House Speaker Michael Madigan,
“The ever powerful boss Madigan has supported and promoted the passage of legislation to make these government pensions so very lucrative,” he said.
“It’s past time for the elite ‘ruling class’ to do what is right for taxpayers and to quit padding their bank accounts with the sweat of the working-class. It’s time for boss Madigan and these judges to make government pension reform a reality.”

The Ruling Class: Judges’ Retirement System

View as PDF CHICAGO—Taxpayers United of America (TUA) today released the results of their updated analysis of the Judges’ Retirement System (JRS) of Illinois.
“There’s no question that Illinois has an elite, ruling class that is made wealthy on the backs of the hard-working middle class,” stated Jim Tobin, TUA president.
“Our analysis of JRS reveals more of the same taxpayer abuse that we have found across the state’s government pension system. Not only do these judges benefit from the redistribution of taxpayer wealth, they also rule in their own favor to protect the Illinois pension cabal when practical, necessary reforms are challenged in the courts.”
“This system is ripe with conflicts of interest and corruption and it is protected at every level of a government that chooses to serve itself rather than the constituents it was intended to protect. The following facts about JRS should dispel the myth that the system is fair and that taxpayers need to further subsidize this mess,” added Tobin.

  • The average JRS pension is $117,473
  • The average years of service are 18
  • The average age of retirement is 62
  • Total number of JRS pension beneficiaries is approximately 1,121
  • 751, or 67%, collect pensions in excess of $100,000
  • 1,011, or 90% of retired judges, collect pensions in excess of $50,000
  • The average amount that employees paid to their own pension fund is $124,387, or 4.5% of their estimated lifetime government pension payout
  • The average estimated lifetime government pension payout is $2.8 million*
  • In fiscal year 2015, forced taxpayer subsidies to the fund were $134,039,684 or 90% of total contributions
  • In fiscal year 2015, judges’ payments to their own pension fund was $15,431,105
  • As of the end of fiscal year 2015, JRS had a 35.4% funded ratio with a $1.5 billion unfunded liability

“It is unconscionable that any educated person could actually defend this system and not strike it down for what it is – a grab for taxpayers’ wallets to fund the political elite ruling class of Illinois.”
“As our data indicates, taxpayers have already paid more than their fair share of retirement benefits for these ‘poor civil servants,’, but these very judges have ruled that taxpayers must pay again and again for the mismanagement and unrealistic promises made so many years ago.”

“Tobias G. Barry remains at the top of our list with a very lucrative $210,205 annual pension benefit! The lifetime accumulation of those payments will reach a cool $2.5 million. His payments to that gold-plated pension were only $171,583.”
“Sheila M. O’Brien tops the list for estimated lifetime payouts. Retiring at only 55, she could realize more than $7.9 million in taxpayer funded pension benefits. Her current annual payment is a very comfortable $192,039.”
“Perhaps you remember Peg M. Breslin from our recent General Assembly Retirement System (GARS) analysis. Her annual GARS pension is $112,754. She also graces the JRS list of pensioners with a second annual pension of $73,182. Her total lifetime estimated payout could top $5.4 million. This poor civil servant had to work well into her fifties (56) to enjoy this loophole we like to call double-dipping!”

“Although JRS has been stealing taxpayer wealth since 1941, the really lavish payouts can be attributed to the efforts of Democrat Speaker of the Illinois House, Michael J. Madigan, who has plagued Illinois taxpayers for forty-five years and should be thrown out of office in the March 15 Illinois primary. The ever powerful Boss Madigan has supported and promoted the passage of legislation to make these government pensions so very lucrative,” charged Tobin.
“It’s time for the elite political ruling class of Illinois to do what is right for taxpayers and to quit padding their bank accounts with the sweat of the working-class. It’s time for Boss Madigan and these judges to make government pension reform a reality,” concluded Tobin.
*Lifetime estimated pension payout includes 3% compounded COLA and assumes life expectancy of 85 (IRS Form 590).