| Issues that brought Detroit to bankruptcy haunt other Michigan cities

Findings from TUA’s pension project on Grand Rapids, Michigan are featured in the following article at
mliveAs headlines mount for the largest U.S. city to file for bankruptcy, Detroit is now the undisputed punching bag for all that can go wrong in a community.
But just how immune is the rest of Michigan to Detroit’s biggest liability – the pressing weight of unfunded pension and retiree health care debt?
In a sobering analysis, a Michigan State University study finds that cities across Michigan face a mountain of so-called legacy debt that will burden them for years.
The MSU report, co-authored by Eric Scorsone, an expert on state and local government and former chief economist for the state Senate Fiscal Agency, found for example that legacy debt is equal to 30 percent of the general revenue brought in each year by the city of Ann Arbor. It’s equal to 25 percent of revenue in Grand Rapids, 38 percent in Lansing and a staggering 85 percent in Saginaw.
“It’s not just Detroit,” Scorsone said of the findings, based largely on municipal fiscal data from 2011. “You will find this structural problem in a lot of cities in Michigan.”
Excluding Detroit, unfunded legacy debt in Michigan municipalities exceeded $10 billion in 2011, with nearly 80 percent of this debt tied to retiree health care.
As in Detroit, where unfunded health-care, pension and other legacy costs are pegged at nearly $10 billion, rising debt means less money to spend on everything that makes a place livable: police and fire protection, upkeep on streets, lighting, parks and recreation, or even to cut weeds in vacant lots. Compounding the pain, communities have faced drops in property tax revenue, manufacturing jobs and population along with a $5 billion plunge in state revenue sharing over the past decade.
Which may mean that cities across Michigan could soon face the same heartbreaking choice confronting Detroit: whether to sharply reduce benefits to retired municipal employees earned from a lifetime of labor, or continue to stick residents and businesses with the bill.
In cities like Flint and Detroit, these decisions pitting retirees against taxpayers are no longer being made (or ignored) by elected representatives; emergency managers or bankruptcy officials are calling the shots.
In the absence of bold action, the greatest cost may be to the future of these hardest-hit communities. As cities and towns cut services and raise taxes to pay down this debt and offset falling revenues, they end up driving away the very residents and businesses vital to their recovery.
Who wants to pay more and get fewer services in return?

Largest legacy cost burdens in Michigan
Legacy costs are commitments paid in the past that will be paid by future generations. The two biggest legacy costs are pensions and health care insurance for retired public workers. The 10 local governments with the highest legacy costs in Michigan:

Detroit $5,586,937,313
Flint $1,112,098,934
Lansing $502,405,000
Warren $414,548,667
Grand Rapids $325,040,512
Saginaw $311,646,267
Taylor $276,925,086
Westland $228,793,659
Ann Arbor $227,233,000
Southfield $206,168,452

Source: Eric Scorsone / MSU Extension.

Consider: The owner of a $200,000 home in Ann Arbor would have to pay $491 a year to fund that city’s annual pension, retiree health care and other legacy costs. It would take $540 in Grand Rapids and $1,731 in Lansing. In Saginaw, where the median household income is about $28,000, that homeowner would pay $4,693 a year.

At the high end of Grand Rapids’ pension scale, retired Fire Chief Robert VanSolkema collected an annual pension of $97,125 in 2011, according to data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by Taxpayers United of America, a Chicago-based anti-tax group. More than 50 Grand Rapids retirees received pensions of more than $60,000 a year. Average pensions were more modest, $30,000 or below, according to a 2009 report by the Grand Rapids Press.
All the same, longtime Grand Rapids residents like Cathy Mulder note the burden the city’s finances have taken on their neighborhoods.
Mulder, 63, and her husband, Ray, have lived in the same West Side house for 37 years. They have seen the city close a nearby pool where their children used to swim and watched maintenance dwindle at a city park a few blocks away. Streets deteriorated. The city closed the last five of its wading pools this year.
A 2011 audit found that Grand Rapids spends less than $20 per resident on parks and recreation (compared with $49 nationally), and called for $30 million in new funding. Another report found that 60 percent of the city’s roads have fallen into poor condition.
And so city officials asked voters to pay more in taxes to make up some of the difference. On Nov. 5, voters approved a .98-mill tax to pay for park maintenance.
“If you don’t maintain a city, it will look like trash,” Mulder said. “If it keeps going that way, we’re going to have less and less.”

Largest legacy costs per person
Ten Michigan cities with the largest legacy costs per city resident. This is each individual’s share of the currently unfunded bill for pensions and health care and other benefits for retired city workers.

River Rouge 7,903 $88,923,694 $11,252
Flint 102,434 $1,112,098,934 $10,857
Detroit 713,777 $5,586,937,313 $7,827
Melvindale 10,715 $79,462,584 $7,416
Center Line 8,257 $54,045,925 $6,545
Ecorse 9,512 $60,794,028 $6,391
Saginaw 51,508 $311,646,267 $6,050
Bloomfield Hills 3,869 $23,301,774 $6,023
Fraser 14,480 $78,449,068 $5,418
Allen Park 28,210 $144,225,807 $5,113

Source: Eric Scorsone / MSU Extension.

To be fair, with the possible exception of Flint, Detroit’s precipitous fall has few parallels in Michigan. Its population today, at about 700,000, is barely a third what it was in the late 1950s. The median value of a home earlier this year was $11,000. In Flint, population dropped from nearly 200,000 in 1960 to about 100,000 today. Both cities face an enormous debt burden – more than 50 mills per taxpayer – with far fewer residents to pay for it.

Anthony Minghine, chief operations officer for the Michigan Municipal League, warns that many other Michigan communities may see a sharp reduction in city services.
“It’s a simple math problem,” Minghine said. “If you play the numbers out far enough, you will have certain communities where all they will do is hold elections and pay pensions.”
The true dimension of municipal retiree health care costs was not apparent in the United States until 2007, when new government accounting standards required communities to calculate this cost in their annual budgets. The U.S. economic crash that followed – marked by plunging home values and declining property tax revenues – deepened the debt hole.
But the bill for retiree health care was accumulating long before that, as many communities in Michigan and across the nation applied a “pay-as-you-go” formula to fund it. That was sufficient in many cases, before health care costs began to spiral upward. Adjusted for inflation, the yearly cost of U.S. per-person health care skyrocketed from just over $1,000 in 1960 to more than $8,000 in 2010.
Scorsone’s analysis cites 311 cities, villages and townships in Michigan that provided some kind of retirement health care benefits at the end of fiscal 2011, with a total liability of $13.5 billion. Just 6 percent of that was funded, leaving a net unfunded liability of $12.7 billion.

The potential hit on homeowners
The 10 cities with the highest potential homeowner tax burden. Many cities are not fully paying for the legacy costs to come. The “Potential Homeowner Tax Burden” listed below is the annual additional property tax that an owner of a $100,000 home would have to pay to fully cover the coming legacy cost burden in each community.

Mount Clemens $47,276,893 $4,608
Flint $1,112,098,934 $2,840
Detroit $5,586,937,313 $2,512
Saginaw $311,646,267 $2,346
Hazel Park $81,160,555 $1,225
River Rouge $88,923,694 $1,183
Melvindale $79,462,584 $1,149
Highland Park $39,562,184 $1,109
Hamtramck $86,259,760 $1,105
Bay City $144,172,802 $1,033

Source: Bridge calculation based on Eric Scorsone/MSU Extension data.

According to his report, Grand Rapids had not funded any of its 2011 retiree health-care debt of more than $223 million. Kalamazoo had a debt of $263 million, none of it funded. Bay City had funded 4 percent of its $105 million debt and Lansing just 10 percent of a debt of more than $376 million.

Cities like Kentwood and Portage in Kalamazoo County were notable exceptions, with their retiree health care debt fully funded.
Communities with large, unfunded health-care or pension commitments have generally turned to three options: raising taxes, cutting benefits or slashing spending. Each has its limitations.
After a decade of job losses and stagnant wages, Michigan taxpayers are understandably reluctant to fork over more money to government – especially when they suspect the money has been misspent.
That is especially true in place like Wayne County’s Allen Park, where voters rejected millages three times in the past two years to recoup $31 million in bond debt tied to a failed movie studio venture; millages city officials said were critical to balancing city finances. In October 2012, Gov. Rick Snyder announced appointment of an emergency financial manager, noting that Allen Park’s fund balance had dropped by more than 90 percent in two years.
In a letter to the city, Snyder wrote that Allen Park had unfunded retiree health-care liabilities of $120 million and $24 million in unfunded pension liabilities. In August, voters finally approved a 3.25-mill millage to maintain police and fire services.
Voters in Benton Harbor on Nov. 5 turned down an income tax hike its emergency manager said should be used to pay down legacy costs that consume nearly one fourth of revenues.
Michigan’s Constitution says state and local government pensions “shall not be diminished or impaired,” so clawing back those benefits from existing retirees seems unlikely outside of bankruptcy. Short of bankruptcy or emergency management, cities have generally been constrained from breaking contracted retiree health care benefits as well.
Detroit emergency manager Kevyn Orr moved in October to strip health-care benefits for nearly 20,000 retired workers effective Jan. 1. The matter is being fought in federal bankruptcy court.
In Pontiac, Emergency Manager Lou Schimmel seeks to cut health care benefits for some 1,200 retirees, a move calculated to save the city $6 million year. That issue remains tied up in court as well.
Stripping retirees of health care – or, at the least, forcing them to contribute to their coverage –could be a template for other financially strapped communities, said Mitch Bean, former director of the state House Fiscal Agency. Bean said cities could move to curtail existing retiree health care benefits through contract negotiations.
“Retiree health care could be eliminated, quite frankly. But politically, I don’t know how you do it. It would take a great deal of political will.”
Jay Krupin, a Washington D.C.-based lawyer and expert on labor law, agrees. He noted the UAW gave up retiree health-care benefits for existing retirees in bargaining to save the auto industry.
“It’s a matter of collective bargaining,” Krupin said. “You can make any decision they (unions) agree to. If you don’t have the money, it has to come from some place.”
State legislation passed in 2012 allows municipalities to issue bonds to pay for legacy debt, but thus far just two entities – Oakland County and Bloomfield Township – have taken that step.
That leaves spending cuts, a strategy all too familiar in Detroit.
Minghine of the Municipal League said that spending cuts – if they are severe enough – can lead to a municipal “death spiral” in which basic services are so reduced that property values decline and residents begin to leave.
“To the extent that the fixes to balance the books diminish the things that make a community a great place to live, everyone leaves,” he said.
“It’s akin to a turnaround expert saying ‘I balanced the books on your business. I did it by closing all your factories.’”
In Saginaw, officials announced earlier this year they would no longer mow most of the city’s estimated 5,000 vacant lots. The city already made deep cuts to its police and fire department.
South of downtown, lifetime Saginaw resident Christina Jones, 78, owns a nicely-kept two-story, 1,400-square-foot home, fronted by an immaculately maintained yard. She can look down the street and see overgrown empty lots in either direction. An abandoned home sits across the street.
Her home has a market value of $20,000 – on paper. But property records indicate nearby homes are selling for closer to $6,000. For this, Jones paid $466 in property taxes last year.
She isn’t about to budge. She can’t afford to.
“I could think about selling my house, but what would I get for it?” she asks. “I’m staying here, if I have to build a moat and put alligators in it.”

Tax Breaks for Illinois’ Biggest Employers Cost Taxpayers Dearly

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CHICAGO – Illinois’ effective corporate income tax rate of 9.5% is contributing to the state’s financial woes, according to the president of Taxpayers United of America.
“Illinois has the country’s fourth highest corporate income tax rate and rather than helping the state’s crisis level financial woes with increased revenue, it is compounding the problems by chasing away businesses. Unless, of course, those businesses are large enough to hold the state hostage by threatening to move their operations to a more business-friendly state,” stated Jim Tobin.
“Illinois lawmakers don’t have the economic good sense to lower the corporate income tax rate to a level that will attract and keep businesses. Instead, they engage in a damaging corporate welfare program that rewards those very businesses that threaten to leave.”
“Large corporations like Sears and CME have already siphoned money away from small businesses and individual taxpayers with their tax discount deals that resulted from the threat of leaving Illinois. Now there is a string of corporations trying to get their turn at the corporate welfare trough.”
“Office Depot, who recently merged with OfficeMax, is threatening to move the Naperville, IL, headquarters of OfficeMax to Boca Raton, Florida, home of the former’s corporate operations. Their leverage is the 2,000 jobs that would go with them. Decatur stands to lose a major employer in Archer Daniels Midland. They are citing the state’s burdensome income tax as the reason to leave Decatur and Illinois unless they receive a tax cut.”
“It’s time to say no to these corporations and end corporate welfare and lower the 9.5% corporate tax rate for everyone. Not only would we retain the large corporations and the revenue, we would retain the thousands of small businesses and the tens of thousands of individual taxpayers who have silently protested paying the state income taxes of the larger and richer corporations by leaving the state.”
“It’s no secret that Illinois is functionally bankrupt. Illinois and its flagship city of Chicago have been spanked for their reckless spending and borrowing by having their credit ratings repeatedly downgraded. Illinois now has the worst credit rating in the country. These spankings were, effectively, punishment for not reforming the state’s sinking government pension funds; however they did nothing to force Speaker Michael Madigan (D), and Senate President John Cullerton (D), to provide the necessary leadership to finalize even minimal reforms.”
“Instead of reforming their spend lust and a bankrupt government pension system, the Illinois General Assembly is considering at least three resolutions that would pave the way for a referendum to amend the State Constitution that would allow a graduated or progressive income tax. The proposed changes would increase the income taxes of 85% of Illinois’ taxpayers. The top rate for the individual income tax could be as high as 11%. But even worse would be the estimated 12.8% corporate income tax rate.”
“And we can’t forget that Springfield Democrats passed a temporary 67% increase in the personal income tax rate along with a 30% increase in the corporate income tax rate in a structured vote, literally in the last minutes of the 97th Illinois General Assembly. This ‘temporary’ increase didn’t make a dent in the state’s indebtedness as it was supposed to.”
“Such an irresponsible increase that will be sold as a tax increase only on the rich, will force even more back-room deals for the big corporations that will be paid for by individual taxpayers and small business – that is until they quietly take their jobs and their money to tax-friendly states.”

U-T San Diego | City has posted 5,600 pensions

Rae Ann McNeilly, Executive Director of Taxpayers United for America, provided commentary on San Diego pension policy for the U-T San Diego.
UTSanDiegoLast year’s pension reform measure for San Diego has not been completely implemented, but the city has fulfilled a requirement to post a list of all its pensioners and how much they are paid annually.
The city posted a list, but it’s confusing and misleading in a number of ways. For instance, it lists as its top “2012 pension” the $365,000 paid to a front line police officer.
The listing provides no further information about the officer, not even a name, but U-T Watchdog followed up and found the pensioner in question is retired Officer Robert van Wulven, whose annual pension is about $73,000.
Van Wulven’s payment for 2012, as listed by the city, included a $291,738 lump-sum payout from a special retirement account into which he received retirement benefits while still working. That supplemental money is supposed to last van Wulven, 56, for the rest of his life.
The list posted by the city on its website contains these kinds of vagaries throughout, so getting a true picture of the annual benefits collected by retired employees without additional data and records requests is impossible.
[ Download spreadsheet created by U-T from city document ] The list was posted as required by Proposition B, the pension overhaul passed with 66 percent of the vote in June 2012. The measure mandated 401(k)-style retirement plans, instead of guaranteed pensions, for most new city workers. Not all of its provisions have been put in place by the city, including a ban on pensions for city workers who commit felonies on duty.
The pension posting includes the final job title, years of service, and a total of payments made to that person from the pension system — including regular pensions and special account payouts all in one sum. For retirees who opted to roll their special funds into an individual retirement account, those funds are broken out separately.
The numbers shown appear simple but are not.
“It’s more of a keyhole than a window, but you do get a peek, and I applaud them for presenting it,” said Bill Holder, dean of accounting at the University of Southern California, who served for 10 years on the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. “The more sunlight that’s brought to bear on it, in my view, the better.”
Important information needed to measure adequacy or generosity of a pension benefit is not provided — salary information, hire date and age at retirement. Because there are no names attached, a multiple-year analysis is also not possible based solely on what’s on the city website.
It’s also difficult to discern whether the data released by the city shows a full year for each pensioner, because many have a partial year of payments when retiring and upon dying, which is not noted in the data.
The posting does mark progress in transparency when compared to the information made available by other governments.
Rae Ann McNeilly has obtained pension data from around the country for the Chicago-based Taxpayers United of America.
“Of the 19 states that I’ve analyzed pensions for, I’ve not yet seen the city or any level of government post pensions on a website, with or without a name,” McNeilly said. “There are 17 states that I’m aware of that don’t provide names and pension amounts.”
McNeilly said including names in the San Diego posting would be preferable, allowing people to “connect the dots on who the money is attached to.” She likened the current disclosure to a database of vendor payments with no company or contractor name attached.
“Those pensions are funded with tax dollars,” McNeilly said. “Any taxpayer-funded expenditure, the taxpayers have a right to review.”
The 2012 ballot measure explicitly said names would be omitted, “in a manner that protects the privacy rights of officers and employees.”
An unnamed fire captain took home the biggest total payment in 2012 of $694,315, including a $618,684 one-time rollover payment from the special account, the data shows.
The special accounts are part of the Deferred Retirement Option Plan, available to employees hired before 2005. They can begin collecting their retirement while still working, placing the funds in a special account for up to five years while still collecting a paycheck. They also cease accruing benefits when entering the program.
Among all retirees receiving pension payments in 2012, the median years of service was 25. The median payment listed under the city’s flawed “pension payment” column was $42,568.
Officer van Wulven said he doesn’t mind the pension transparency, even though he believes it will be used by people who wish to “mislead the public based on their particular agenda.”
He served more than three decades with the Police Department and said frustration directed at public-sector workers is better placed at the feet of officials who in past years failed to make full payments to the system.
“I’m not a millionaire by any means,” van Wulven said. “I worked for a long time and earned my pension, and I contributed to it, just like the city was supposed to.”