ABC 7 Chicago | CDOT tests speed cameras at Chicago schools, parks

Jim Tobin, President of Taxpayers United for America, was quoted in a story from ABC 7 Chicago on Chicago’s new red light cameras.
December 3, 2012 (CHICAGO) (WLS) — There are some new reasons to watch your speed when driving through some Chicago neighborhoods.
Starting Monday, cameras will be monitoring how fast you drive.
For the next month, the city is testing speed cameras at certain intersections, but there is some good news if you get caught during the test period: No tickets. Not yet.
The city is moving forward with plans to have cameras monitor speed around parks and schools.
One of the experimental speed cameras is in front of the Near North Montessori School on Division. Jerome Manansala, the school’s director of safety and security, says there have been close calls — like last spring when he was crossing Division Street with a group of 3, 4 and 5-year-olds.
“We got lucky that we saw him in time and got the kids out of the way,” Manansala said.
There are four test cameras around the city near parks and schools. They will be in place for a month and the city will evaluate their use.
Jim Tobin with Taxpayers United of America is opposed to the speed cameras.
“It is a phony boloney argument for creating another tax,” said Tobin. “The speed cameras are just another tax on the backs of middle-class taxpayers.”
Some tell ABC7 the city is already doing enough issuing tickets, with red light cameras, and speeding cameras are too much.
“If the cops see people speeding, pull them over. I don’t think they have a right to send tickets through the mail,” said Leonard Yacona.
No one from the city would comment on camera on this issue.
There are two companies trying to get the city’s contract for speeding cameras. There are reports that one of those companies is having trouble in Baltimore with faulty equipment. No one from either company would make anyone available on camera.

    The cameras are situated at:

  • McKinley Park, 2223 W Pershing
  • Warren Park, 6541 N Western
  • Dulles Elementary, 6340 S King
  • Near North Montessori, 1446 W Division

The testing runs until January 3.
After our report aired, a spokesman for Xerox told ABC7:
“There is no faulty equipment in Baltimore, just human processing error. An added level of review is expected to address the matter.”

(Copyright ©2012 WLS-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)

AG Lisa Madigan Provides Strong Arm in Commuter Shakedown

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Chicago – Taxpayers United of America (TUA) today submitted notice to the Illinois Court of Appeals 1st District, of its intent to withdraw its complaint against the Illinois Toll Authority for the allegedly illegal continuation and increase of the Illinois toll tax.
“The law that originally permitted this toll tax in 1953 was clear in its intent: The toll was temporary and would be paid-up by 1973,” said Jim Tobin, TUA President.
“But Illinois government bureaucrats found the Toll Authority to be such a convenient place for their cronyism, and pay-off for favors owed, that Ill. Atty. General Lisa Madigan (D) is willing to pit the entire Attorney General’s team against taxpayers to protect the Toll Authority.”
“The Toll Authority provides jobs and lucrative pensions for friends of elected officials that they don’t want to lose, even if it means cheating taxpayers who depend on traveling the toll roads to get to their jobs.”
“Because Lisa Madigan has no intention of ending the 87% increase in the toll tax and has the unlimited legal resources of the State of Illinois behind her in this fight, we are withdrawing our complaint to repeal the toll tax increase. We are conserving our resources to continue our fight against corrupt politicians in other ways.”
“This kind of taxpayers’ abuse is rampant in Illinois and clearly illustrates the priorities of the Chicago/Cook County Democratic Machine, which forces taxpayers to fund its lavish salaries and pensions.”
“We have had many successes in shining the light on the excessive salaries and pensions that drive the entire political machine, and we intend to continue to research and report on the taxpayer abuse found in the toll authority and throughout the Illinois government.”

Illinois Courts Bully Taxpayers

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Chicago – Taxpayers United of America (TUA), today submitted notice to the Illinois Court of Appeals 1st District, of their intent to withdraw their complaints against Oak Park SD 97 and Wilmette SD 39. The complaints had alleged that the two school districts intentionally understated by at least two thirds, the property-tax increase referenda passed by voters on April 5, 2011.
“This case was being bounced back and forth through every jurisdiction by judges at every level. The legal action has drained the resources of taxpayers in these communities. These taxpayers attempted to hold accountable the government bureaucrats who intentionally duped voters into passing these property tax increases,” said Jim Tobin, TUA President.
“The intransigence and deceit of these government-school bureaucrats is mindboggling. They looked taxpayers in the eye, gave them false information on which to base their votes, then fought these same taxpayers in court to hold on to their ill-gotten property tax increases.”
“Our goal in filing these lawsuits was to stop the taxpayer abuse that is perpetrated by bureaucrats who seek only to protect their own lavish salaries and pensions. 80% of this tax increase is being used to pay salaries and benefits of the government school employees. Such tax increases make the teachers and administrators even wealthier, but no benefit of any kind accrues to the students themselves.”
“The judges who rule on these cases have a vested interest in protecting the ‘tax at any cost’ attitude that prevails throughout Illinois. They get generous taxpayer-funded salaries, and when they retire, they receive huge taxpayer-funded pensions.”
“Although we are withdrawing our complaint, we have succeeded in exposing the games these government-school bureaucrats are playing on homeowners, and we will continue to work with local taxpayer activists and groups on these issues.”