Telemundo Chicago | Cobran fuerza las "cámaras de velocidad"

Christina Tobin, TUA’s Vice President, was featured in a story from Telemundo Chicago for her testimony against Chicago’s speed-camera ordinance. To see the video, click on the image below.

Una propuesta para instalar 300 camaras destinadas a medir la velocidad cerca de escuelas y parques alrededor de la ciudad, cobro fuerza hoy en el comite para la seguridad vehicular y de peatones en Chicago.

Los conductores que sean captados por estas cámaras excediendo el límite de velocidad entre seis y 10 millas por hora serán multados $35 dólares. Si se pasan de las 11 millas podrían pagar hasta $100.
La idea parece buena, pero no todos están de acuerdo. De hecho el alcalde Rahm Emmanuel tuvo que reducir el monto que originalmente se había propuesto para las multas y el horario en que funcionarán las cámaras para calmar los ánimos.
Por ejemplo Christina Tobin, vice presidenta de la Organización de Contribuyentes Unidos de América, dice que la ordenanza tiene como objetivo recaudar dinero para financiar un convaleciente programa de pensiones.
Los propulsores de la ley argumentan que otras ciudades en el país han reducido en un 70 por ciento las muertes a causa de conductores irresponsables por medio del uso de cámaras.
En Chicago un 40 por ciento de los accidentes con peatones son personas que huyen de la escena de un accidente. Esta cifra es el doble del promedio nacional.
Para la iniciativa este es solo el primer paso. Ahora pasará al Pleno del Concejo, pero allí, también se espera que sea aprobada.

Christina Tobin Testifies Against Proposed Chicago Speed-Trap Cameras, Receives News Coverage

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CHICAGO–Christina Tobin, Vice President of Taxpayers United of America (TUA), testified against Chicago’s proposed speed-camera ordinance on Wednesday, April 11. Speaking before the Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety in City Council Chambers at City Hall, Tobin urged the committee “To kill the proposal to add speed-cameras all over the city.”
Tobin made the following points:

  • Chicago politicians say speed-cameras will reduce juvenile pedestrian crashes and deaths, but, in reality, these speed-cameras would just be speed-trap cameras to fund city pensions. The proposal has nothing to do with safety. It’s all about money.
  • The newspaper Towson Patch reported that when Baltimore County officials rolled out a network of 15 speed cameras in school zones in 2010, they said the program’s success would be measured in two ways: less speeding and fewer accidents. While speeding was reduced, the report showed no decline in accidents in those zones.

Tobin pointed out that as early as 2008, the head of Mayor Daley’s pension reform commission recommended a plan in which newly-hired employees would be put in 401(k) plans favored by private industry instead of unsustainable pension plans. Tobin stressed that Chicago residents need tax relief, not new fines or new taxes, adding, “There is no need to bleed Chicago residents to death.”
“80% of city spending is for salaries & benefits. Most of the Speed Camera revenue will ultimately be used to fund city pensions. Unfunded pensions are the #1 budgetary problem in the United States.”
Tobin’s testimony received coverage from news outlets covering the hearing. Of particular note is video from ABC 7 and WGN TV.
The committee approved the ordinance 7-3. The full City Council will take up the ordinance next week, where Mayor Emanuel will need 26 votes to pass it.

TUA’s Christina Tobin To Speak Against Proposed Chicago Speed-Trap Cameras

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CHICAGO—Christina Tobin, Vice President of Taxpayers United of America (TUA), will speak against Chicago’s proposed speed-camera ordinance on Wednesday, April 11.
The Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety will convene at 1 PM in City Council Chambers at City Hall Wednesday, April 11, to discuss the proposed law.
The proposed law would have cameras at as many as 360 city intersections, issuing $50 and $100 tickets for exceeding the speed limit. “City politicians say they want speed-cameras to reduce juvenile pedestrian crashes and deaths,” said Tobin, “but in reality these speed-cameras would just be speed-trap cameras to fund city pensions.”
The ordinance, if passed, would allow the city to install speed camera enforcement within 1/8 of a mile of schools or parks from 7 AM to 7 PM Monday through Friday, and mail fines of $50 to drivers exceeding the speed limit by 6 miles per hour or $100 fines for exceeding the speed limit by 11 mph or more.
Tobin concluded, “Politicians are desperately adding more unwanted taxes, killing taxpayers’ retirements. Why? Because they keep trying to pay for out-of-control pensions. Public pensions will bury this city, drive off businesses, and cause more people to flee Chicago, unless they are finally dealt with responsibly. Taxpayers are tired of having a royal, ruling class. Quit taxing us to death.”
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