Cigarette Tax Hikes Usually Backfire

Raising cigarette taxes in most instances have backfired on states hoping to get a windfall on the higher taxes. Unintended consequences are the rule, not the exception.
States raising cigarette taxes usually find that consumers alter their purchasing patterns. They start getting their cigarettes from sources with lower or no taxes. These sources may be nearby states with lower tax rates, the Internet, or Native American territories. The result is that the tax-raising state loses its expected revenue. Furthermore, local retailers are harmed, especially in minority neighborhoods.
When Maryland implemented a $1.00 per-pack cigarette excise tax increase in 2008, law enforcement seized four times as many out-of-state cigarette packs as compared to the same time period the prior year.
Texas also found that raising cigarette taxes was no magic potion. When it raised its excise tax on cigarettes $1.00 in 2007, Internet cigarette purchases by Texas residents increased from 2 percent of total national online sales to 17 percent.
Raising regressive taxes such as cigarette taxes harm the local economy, put an added burden on the poor, especially minorities, and drive local shops out of business. Rather than raising taxes, states must realize that the only realistic way to fight budget deficits is to cut spending.

Kansas City Business Journal | Group rails against government pensions, names names

Findings from TUA’s pension project on Kansas City, Kansas, are featured in this article from the Kansas City Business Journal.
One of the largest taxpayer organizations in the United States is calling for reform of government worker pensions by revealing pension payouts to local officials, Fox4 reports.
Taxpayers United of America claims many government employees will become “pension millionaires” after they retire, with taxpayers footing the bill.
The group calculated the top 25 pensions for government employees in Wyandotte and Douglas counties.
Kansas City, Kan., Police Chief Rick Armstrong tops the list in Wyandotte County. If he retires at 55 and lives until he’s 85, the group estimates he will receive about $3 million in pension payments. | Group to Reveal Local Government Salaries, Projected Pensions

Findings from TUA’s pension project on Saline, Kansas, are featured in this story from
An organization that believes government pensions are out of control, and unsustainable, will on Wednesday reveal the salaries and projected pensions of Salina and Saline County government employees.
Taxpayers United of America is currently traveling the country, making stops in every state.
In an effort to bring notice to their cause, the organization is stopping in communities across the country, revealing the salaries of local government employees, and projecting what their lifetime pensions will be.
For regular government employees the lifetime pensions are projected from retirement at age 62, to age 85. For police and fire lifetime pensions are projected from retirement at age 55, to age 85.
Appearing on KSAL’s Friendly Fire program Tuesday evening, the organization’s Vice President Christina Tobin revealed some of the group’s research.
Tobin said “Salina Police Chief James Hill can look forward to an estimated lifetime pension payout of $2,878,529, based on his current gross salary of $119,939. Sheriff Glen Kochanowski stands to receive an estimated lifetime pension payout of $2,041,290 based on his $85,054 gross salary. And Saline County Engineer Neil Cable will enjoy an estimated lifetime pension payout of $1,506,608 based on his annual gross wages of $102,490.”
Tobin says that she believes that all government workers need to get what is owed to them. However, the current pension system is broken, and needs to be changed to more of a 401K style program for new government employees.
She adds that though she thinks that current government workers should get what is owed to them, the current pension system cannot be sustained and needs to be changed immediately.
Taxpayers United of America plans to release their entire list of local Salina and Saline County government employee salaries, along with their projected lifetime pensions, on Wednesday.
Taxpayers United of America is a non-profit pro-taxpayer organization based in Chicago. The group is currently on a tour that will stop in all 50 states, and the Dictrict of Columbia, urging state governments to switch to 401K style pension plans.