Illinois Political Dirty Tricks Alive and Well in Scott Tucker's Primary Campaign

CHICAGO–Scott Tucker, candidate in the Republican Primary for Illinois’ 11th State House District (Ravenswood-Lakeview), is reaching into Illinois machine politics’ black bag of dirty tricks in order to prevent Deb Leticia Gordils from appearing on the February 2, 2010 primary ballot, according to Jim Tobin, President of National Taxpayers United of Illinois (NTUI).
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Top State Pension Drawing Heavy Fire

Greg Hinz, in his blog for Crain’s Chicago Business,  writes:
“As the state of Illinois sinks ever deeper into debt, a recent report listing the state’s top 100 recipients of state and local government pensions is worth a look — even if some of the language is a bit provocative.
Read the rest of the article, including a quote from NTUI President Jim Tobin.
The message is clear and it’s spreading: Illinois doesn’t need more taxes, we need less government spending.