McHenry Times|With primary win secured, Allen Skillicorn vows to continue fight against Mike Madigan in House

Tax Accountability’s, the political action arm of Taxpayers United of America (TUA), endorsement of Allen Skillicorn was mentioned by McHenry Times.

In the four-candidate race for House Representative in District 66 that became a three-candidate race at the 11th hour, Allen Skillicorn emerged as the winner of the Republican primary on March 15.
“I am feeling good,” Skillicorn told the McHenry Times. “We are excited about finally being able to publicly declare victory.”
The East Dundee trustee and vice-chair for the Kane County Republican Party said he personally knocked on more than 10,000 doors, and talked to voters about property tax relief and the need for Republicans to stand up to House Speaker Mike Madigan — a message Skillicorn said was very well received.
Now that all the signs and campaign litter has been cleared up, Skillicorn said it’s time to continue the conversation about Madigan and the state of Illinois.
“The next stop is continuing to talk to voters and raise awareness about what Speaker Madigan is doing in Springfield,” Skillicorn said. “Currently the House is on spring break until April and the fact is we need a budget; the fact is we need pension reform; the fact is we need significant financial and business reforms to get the Illinois economy going; and Mike Madigan refuses to advance those issues. He also refuses to even schedule the House to meet.”
Skillicorn, who claimed approximately 33.04 percent of the votes in McHenry and Kane counties, will face off against Democratic challenger Nancy Zeller in November for retiring State Rep. Mike Tryon’s seat.
“She’ll be able to get some financial resources and she has some fans in the area, but at the end of the day she has a track record of raising property taxes,” Skillicorn said. “She supports Mike Madigan and she supports Madigan’s tax increases. I don’t think the voters of the 66th District are going to be able to identify with those issues.”
Curtailing property taxes has been the hallmark of Skillicorn’s campaign. Skillicorn was elected as East Dundee trustee in 2011 and fought to keep property taxes from rising. His efforts ultimately helped lower village property taxes per home.
The marketing director signed the Tax Accountability Taxpayer Protection Pledge on July 10, 2015, and has been endorsed by Tax Accountability, the political action arm of Taxpayers United of America (TUA).
In addition to solving property tax problems, Skillicorn wants to help promote accountability in Springfield and believes term limits for elected officials would greatly reduce corruption in government.
For now, Skillicorn is grateful for voters’ support and promises to be their voice in Springfield.
“I just want to thank people for their support, and we plan on taking the fight to Mr. Madigan,” Skillicorn said.

Illinois’ SERS – Unchecked State-Sponsored Theft

View as PDF CHICAGO—Taxpayers United of America (TUA) today released the results of their updated analysis of Illinois’ State Employees’ Retirement System (SERS).
“SERS is the third largest of the government employee pension funds in Illinois, but in some ways, it’s even more efficient at stealing wealth from hard-working taxpayers for the benefit of the politically privileged,” stated Jared Labell, TUA’s director of operations. “Not only does SERS guarantee a 3% cost of living adjustment (COLA) compounded annually, but it also guarantees additional confiscation of taxpayers’ dollars through Social Security, and in some cases, Medicare.”
“Every annual pension featured on our list of the top 200 SERS government retirees exceeds $118,000. These retired government employees are set to collect multi-million dollar lifetime pension payouts that are largely taxpayer-funded. SERS, in line with Illinois’ irresponsible fiscal record, is critically underfunded at only 35.27%. SERS falls way short of even the commonly used standard to determine the overall health of a pension fund, a funding ratio of 80%. The optimal funding ratio is, of course, 100% or greater over a reasonable period of time, but SERS fails at meeting that reduced measurement by a large margin.”

  • Total number of 2016 SERS pension beneficiaries is approximately 66,465.
  • 880 collect pensions in excess of $100,000.
  • 13,960 collect pensions in excess of $50,000.
  • The average 2016 annual SERS pension is $35,568 (Many retirees also collect SS).
  • The average amount that employees paid into their own pension fund is $36,269, or 3% of their estimated lifetime pension payout.
  • The average estimated lifetime pension payout is $1,038,456 (SS not included).
  • The average age at retirement is 60.
  • The average years of employment are 24.
  • In fiscal year 2015, taxpayers were forced to pay $1,804,319,356 into the government pension fund.
  • In fiscal year 2015, SERS government employees paid $266,139,156 into their own pension fund.
  • The net return on investment for SERS in fiscal year 2015 was only 4.79%, or $681,377,052.
  • As of the end of fiscal year 2015, SERS had a 35.27% funded ratio with a $28 billion unfunded liability.

“Taxpayers are forced to pay 678% more than the multi-millionaire pensioners pay into their own SERS pension fund annually. This means for every dollar that an SERS government employee pays into their own retirement fund, taxpayers are forced to pay $6.78!”
“Taxpayers have paid more than their fair share for these lavish government employee benefits, and yet the unions, bureaucrats, and politicians continue to push for expanding the tax burden of Illinois residents to fund their pensions, instead of calling for reform to this broken system,” said Labell. “As shortfalls in the funding of these government pensions mount, the political class in Illinois should expect nothing short of bankruptcy of their constituents to guarantee these egregious pension payments continue. After all, the Illinois state constitution currently protects only the government pensioners, and not the taxpayers, so there is undoubtedly a lopsided caste system in Illinois, created and expanded over many decades for the benefit of the minority of Illinois residents who are employed by the government.”
“For private sector retirees, the maximum Social Security payout for 2016 is $31,668, and there are no cushy, automatic cost of living increases in Social Security benefits for taxpayers that compare to those received by retired government employees. And let’s not forget, nearly all SERS members also receive Social Security benefits in addition to their gold-plated pension payments highlighted in our study,” said Labell.
“We need political courage in Springfield to halt this rapidly growing government pension debacle. Without overstepping the constitutional limitations for reform, the Illinois General Assembly could offer legislation that would immediately place all new hires into individual retirement savings accounts, like a 401(k), and enact the legislation required to allow bankruptcy of municipalities and retirement funds as a way of beginning to protect taxpayers from decades of financially problematic policies.”
“Today’s taxpayers should not be required to pay for services rendered years ago, just as bureaucrats and politicians should not be allowed to balance today’s budgets on the backs of tomorrow’s taxpayers. Reforms are unquestioningly necessary. Reform will benefit all Illinoisans economically if the tax burden and unfunded liabilities are diminished before more benefits and services are cut to perpetuate the current unsustainable government pensions.”
Sadashiv D. Parwatikar, retired from Chester Mental Health Center, tops our list with a stunning $207,623 annual pension! The accumulation of those payments, over a normal lifetime, will reach about $3.8 million. Personal contributions to that gold-plated pension were only $121,041.”
Cindy L. Benson, retiring from Personal Services – Sworn, ties with her counterpart, James C. Morrisey, for the highest estimated lifetime pension payouts of this study. Both retiring at only 50, they could each collect more than $7.6 million in taxpayer funded pension payments over the course of their retirement. Their current annual pensions are a very cushy $125,539!
Kamal Modir tops our list for the highest total SERS pension collected to date at $2,652,929. His own payment into this extravagant government pension was a mere $101,605 – or 2.5% – of his estimated lifetime pension payout.”

“Real reform must start immediately to halt the unfunded government pension liabilities, which grow exponentially as long as the status quo is maintained. Ousting politicians who answer to union thugs, rather than the taxpayers they are elected to represent, is also key to transforming Illinois from a financial pariah to an economic phoenix. Kicking political bosses out of office, like House Speaker Michael J. Madigan, who pushed for the government pension protections in the 1970 Illinois Constitution, as well as his likeminded cronies, is critical if taxpayers want to see substantive changes in the state government and our economic climate,” concluded Labell.
*Lifetime estimated pension payout includes 3% COLA (simple interest) and assumes life expectancy of 85 (IRS Form 590). Nearly all SERS pensioners also receive Social Security benefits in addition to their SERS

Taxpayers vs. Status Quo in Illinois Primary

View as PDF Chicago – Taxpayers United of America (TUA) helped local activists defeat Home Rule in 2 more communities in yesterday’s Illinois primary election. TUA has helped taxpayers defeat a total of 211 Home Rule referenda since its founding 40 years ago. TUA also helped taxpayers of Roselle SD12 to try and defeat a $1.5 million property tax increase referenda but lost to supporters of the tax and spend status quo. Overall, TUA has helped taxpayers defeat a total of 419 tax increase referenda since TUA’s first began contesting referenda in 1977.
“Taxpayers were divided, like everything political these days, over whether they were ready to tell the government bureaucrats to keep their hands out of our pockets and to stop spending our tax dollars faster than they are collected,” stated Jared Labell, TUA director of operations. “Fortunately, a few communities fought back with the ballot box yesterday against unlimited taxing authority.”
Taxpayers in Westchester and Franklin Park resoundingly defeated Home Rule referenda with the assistance of TUA:
Village of Westchester, Home Rule
(13 of 13 precincts counted)
YES 1,350 25.01%
NO 4,047 74.99%
Total 5,397
Village of Franklin Park, Home Rule
(11 of 11 precincts counted)
YES 1,400 36.57%
NO 2,428 63.43%
Total 3,828
“Some taxpayers in Summit weren’t so savvy at the polls. They clearly didn’t get the message that Home Rule always means higher taxes, more bureaucracy, and more government in your business,” said Labell. “Home Rule narrowly passed in Summit by 136 votes.”
Village of Summit, Home Rule
(3 of 3 precincts counted)
YES 946 53.87%
NO 810 46.13%
Total 1,756
“Unfortunately, taxpayers in Roselle SD12 weren’t ready to tell government school bureaucrats that enough is enough and force them to rein in spending, as voters approved a $1.5 million dollar property tax increase. Apparently they haven’t gotten the message that 80% of local taxes fund government salaries and benefits, including ridiculously lucrative pensions. This is a much more insidious problem than the typical waste, fraud, and abuse that we know is rampant in government bureaucracies,” said Labell.
Roselle GS 12 PROP TAX
Yes 1518, 56.37%
No 1175, 43.63%
“These substantial property tax hikes are not ‘for the children’ or the collective improvement of the community. It’s a shame that voters decided to force more tax dollars out of the productive private sector and award taxpayers’ hard-earned money to government thugs and cronies. These bureaucrats would prefer that your property tax payments put you out of your home before they would agree to compensation that is fair to them, the children, and the community they are supposed to serve,” concluded Labell.
Look for further analyses of the March 15 primary election results from TUA in the coming days.