
McHenry County Blog|Tobin Urges People to Call Wheeler about Taxing Social Security

Taxpayers United of America’s president, Jim Tobin, wrote a letter urging people to contact State Rep Barbara Wheeler  that was featured in McHenry County Blog.

Mailed First Class last week, the envelop below arrived in my mailbox and those of 229 other people on Jim Tobin’s mailing list two days later:


The envelop from Jim Tobin features the message on its face–a good communications’ technique.

It was addressed to me and attacks State Rep. Barbara Wheeler, who does not have an opponent in the Republican Primary election or in the General Election.
Here’s the content after the individualized salutation:
Barbara Wheeler

Barbara Wheeler

Your Illinois state representative, Barbara Wheeler (R-64, Crystal Lake)[emphasis throughout in the original], hasn’t changed her party affiliation to Democrat, but she has recently proposed that a new Illinois state income tax on government pensions could serve as “the kind of back-door pension reform the state desperately needs…”
While Illinois is absolutely in desperate need of government pension reform, the legality of singling out only government pensions for a new state income tax is highly questionable, due in part to legal precedents set by the Illinois Supreme Court last May, but also, the Illinois Constitution and United States Constitution both have a Uniformity Clause expressly stating that taxes are to be levied uniformly.
Her proposal doesn’t hold water.
Although Wheeler is correct in seeking a legal maneuver to enact government pension reform, which is needed immediately in Illinois, her proposal is not constitutional.
This suggested legislation could instead lead to the Illinois General Assembly adopting an even worse option, which would be legal: imposing a new Illinois state income tax on all retirement benefits, including Social Security.
Jim Tobin in Crystal Lake

Jim Tobin in Crystal Lake

The solution to the government pension fiasco in Illinois is not a new state income tax, but repealing the Illinois Constitution’s clause protecting these outrageous government pensions from reform.
Please take a look at the enclosed government pension data. These lavish, multimillion dollar lifetime pension payouts for retired government employees give taxpayers millions of reasons as to why we must pursue constitutional means to enact government pension reform immediately.
Contact Illinois state representative Barbara Wheeler at her Crystal Lake office (847) 973-0064 or Springfield office (217) 782-1664 and let her know that taxpayers will not support a new state income tax.
Nearly 90% of the funds from the last state income tax hike went to fund the uncontrolled government pensions, and the results were negligible, if not detrimental to the financial stability of our state.
We need free market solutions to return prosperity to Illinois – NOT NEW TAXES.
Jim Tobin, President
P.S. Help us stop the Illinois General Assembly from imposing a new Illinois state income tax on all retirement benefits, including Social Security.

Spike Illinois’ Government Pension Clause, Don’t Hike State Income Taxes

View as PDF Chicago—Illinois state representative, Barbara Wheeler (R-64, Crystal Lake), hasn’t changed her party affiliation to Democrat, but she has recently proposed that a new Illinois state income tax on government pensions could serve as “the kind of back-door pension reform the state desperately needs…” But Jared Labell, director of operations for Taxpayers United of America (TUA), disagrees.

“While Illinois is absolutely in desperate need of government pension reform, the legality of singling out only government pensions for a new state income tax is highly questionable, due in part to legal precedents set by the Illinois Supreme Court last May, but also, the Illinois Constitution and United States Constitution both have a Uniformity Clause expressly stating that taxes are to be levied uniformly. Her proposal doesn’t hold water,” said Labell.
“Although Wheeler is correct in seeking a legal maneuver to enact government pension reform, which is needed immediately in Illinois, her proposal is not constitutional,” added Labell. “This suggested legislation could instead lead to the Illinois General Assembly adopting an even worse option, which would be legal: imposing a new Illinois state income tax on all retirement benefits, including Social Security.
“The solution to the government pension fiasco in Illinois is not a new state income tax, but repealing the Illinois Constitution’s clause protecting these outrageous government pensions from reform.”
“All of TUA’s government pension data is available at These lavish, multimillion dollar lifetime pension payouts for retired government employees give taxpayers millions of reasons as to why we must pursue constitutional means to enact government pension reform immediately.”
Contact Illinois state representative Barbara Wheeler at her Crystal Lake office (847) 973-0064 or Springfield office (217) 782-1664 and let her know that taxpayers will not support a new state income tax.
“Nearly 90% of the funds from the last state income tax hike went to fund the uncontrolled government pensions, and the results were negligible, if not detrimental to the financial stability of our state,” Labell concluded.
“We need free market solutions to return prosperity to Illinois – NOT NEW TAXES.”

CBS Chicago|Head Of Anti-Tax Group Calls Lake County Pensions Excessive

Taxpayers United of America’s president, Jim Tobin, was interviewed by CBS Chicago about the recent pension study of Lincolnshire, Deerfield and Highland Park.

(CBS) — The head of an anti-tax group says the latest government pension survey of Lake County shows some outrageous payouts to retirees, reports WBBM Political Editor Craig Dellimore.
Tobin, founder and president of Taxpayers United of America, says a study of Lake County government pensions shows about a third of the retired teachers surveyed are getting annual pensions of over $100,000 and he cites a retired Lincolnshire employee with a $218,000 annual pension payout.

But haven’t these government workers earned their pensions? No, says Tobin, who urges pension reform.
“They don’t deserve to steal egregious amounts of money from the taxpayers so they can retire in their 50s, kick back, live the life of Riley while we taxpayers have to work into our 70s to pay our own bills and pay for their lavish, gold-plated pensions to boot,” Tobin said.
Tobin says such pension payments are not sustainable, and the state is forced to cut services to make those payments.
“It’s all stolen money, stolen from the taxpayer.”
Tobin says one way voters can fight back is by voting down all tax increase referendums on the next ballot.


Taxpayers United Of America: (TUA). is a nonpartisan, 501(c)(4) taxpayer advocacy group. Founded June 27, 1976 in Chicago, Illinois by activist and economist Jim Tobin, TUA works on behalf of taxpayers to reduce local, state, and federal taxes. In the past forty years, TUA has saved taxpayers more than $200 billion n taxes and has become one of the largest taxpayer organizations in America. Check All posts. s.


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