
Turnaround Can’t Come too Soon for Lake County Taxpayers

View as PDF Chicago, IL—Taxpayers United of America (TUA) today released the results of their study of the government pensions for Lincolnshire, Deerfield, Highland Park, and local government schools.

“Nearly one third of the teachers retired from these government schools are getting annual pensions over $100,000!” said Jim Tobin, founder and president of TUA. “85% of these retirees will collect more than $1,000,000 in lifetime pension payments and their average personal investment in their own gold-plated pension is a mere 5.5%.”

“Some government school boards have absolutely no regard for the taxpayers they are supposed to serve. Not only are we forced to fund these outrageous pensions, now Highland Park wants taxpayers to approve a $198 million property tax increase referendum to build a new campus ‘for the children,’ which really means that it’s a new fortress for government bureaucrats.”

“At least the Lincolnshire Village Board showed political courage and regard for their constituents by passing an ordinance that prohibits local employers from collecting union dues through payroll deductions, effectively making it a ‘right to work’ municipality. They will likely face lawsuits over this ordinance, but then the union thugs can’t stand to give people the freedom to choose whether they join a union or not.”

“House Speaker Michael Madigan is strongly opposed to Right to Work freedom, but then he and his policies have brought us the financial crisis Illinois now faces. This is all largely due to his cronyism with unions, as demonstrated by his decades long support of the government pension system which he was instrumental in codifying into law,” said Tobin.

“The government pensions are unsustainable. Illinoisans are enduring cuts to services, the defunding of programs, and having their earnings confiscated. Tax dollars continue to be diverted from services required by today’s taxpayers into the pension funds for government employees, whose services were rendered long ago,” said Tobin. “Unfortunately, with Illinois having entered its seventh month without a budget and an enduring financial crisis, taxpayers regretfully see no relief in sight from Springfield.”

“Our study of Lincolnshire, Deerfield, and Highland Park government teacher pensions, in particular, clearly illustrates the inherent problems with the current defined benefit pension systems in Illinois,” said Tobin. “Not only do they collect massive amounts of taxpayer money under the guise of a pension they ‘earned,’ they also retire, on average, at the age of 59. Many of us who fund these pensions will have to work long past 65 to afford our own retirement and most of our retirements won’t compare to the largesse enjoyed by so many government retirees.”

“The problem isn’t limited to teachers though. The data clearly show that municipal and park district employees enjoy the same bloated pensions as the teachers,” added Tobin.

“Local governments are continuously seeking to raise property taxes – nearly 80% of local taxes go to fund salaries and benefits of government employees.”

“Retired Lincolnshire-Prairie View 103 government employee, Larry K. Fleming enjoys an annual taxpayer funded pension of $258,163. Over a normal lifetime, he will get about $11.2 million in pension payments. His personal investment in this rich payout is about 3.4% or $378,683.”

Robert D. Franz retired from the Deerfield municipal government and his current annual pension is $218,795. He will collect about $6 million while he only put in $160,009 of his own money, slightly more than one year’s pension payout. That’s a 3% investment in his own multi-million dollar retirement payout!”

Highland Park’s Park District retiree, Ralph J. Volpe collects a comfortable annual pension of $161,077. Retiring at the ripe old age of 58, he will receive about $4.9 million in lifetime pension payments. His personal investment in his own retirement? About 2% or $120,746!”

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 “The choice is clear: without sweeping, meaningful pension reform, taxpayers throughout Illinois will have to choose between fully funding the pension systems to pay for past services rendered, or pay for the services we need today,” concluded Tobin.

*Lifetime estimated pension payout includes 3% compounded COLA and assumes life expectancy of 85 (IRS Form 590).

Don’t be Fooled by Pro-State Income Tax Propaganda

View as PDF Chicago—Illinois’ political bosses have a lot of bad news in store for taxpayers in 2016, no doubt, but the worst trick up their sleeves is the looming threat of confiscating vast sums of taxpayer dollars by implementing changes to the state’s income taxes, according to Jared Labell, director of operations for Taxpayers United of America (TUA).

“The recurring theme from many of the political elite, government unions, and phony government watchdog groups has been to balk at any discussion of reforming Illinois’ unrestrained spending and unfunded liabilities, instead shifting the focus to raising more revenue by increasing the Illinois state personal and corporate income tax rates. This is not only a foolish policy, considering Illinois’ recent history with state income tax hikes, but some politicians in Springfield have gone a step further and suggested imposing a new state income tax on retirement benefits as well,” said Labell.
Unfortunately, this is not simply a partisan issue, but rather the most important struggle this year – between those who champion the taxpayers and those who ingratiate themselves with the state.
For instance, it’s expected that most of the Democratic Caucus in the Illinois General Assembly will support this new state income tax on retirement benefits. But even Republicans can’t be relied upon to reject this destructive new income tax.
Rep. Barbara Wheeler (R-Crystal Lake), has voiced support for a new Illinois state income tax on retirement benefits. In remarks printed by the Northwest Herald within the last week, Wheeler stated that she is against taxing private sector pensions, but would support a new state income tax on government pensions,” said Labell.
Wheeler went on to say that, “Nobody likes the word ‘tax,’ but I do believe it’s the kind of back-door pension reform the state desperately needs because so much of our budget goes into paying pension [sic].”
“Besides the questionable legality of such a proposal, the claim that a new income tax – whether it be on private sector or government pensions – will help solve the government pension fiasco in Illinois is extremely dubious. The 2011 67% income tax hike was a complete and total failure for Illinois in numerous ways. Not only did the state apply 90% of those newly generated taxpayer dollars to the government pensions, but its effect on the unfunded government pension liabilities, now totaling more than $111 billion, was negligible, and an abject failure of policy. More taxpayers left the state, the economy has worsened, and Illinois’ credit rating has plummeted.”
An Associated Press analysis of state records reported two weeks ago by The Daily Herald showed at least $4 billion in cash in 531 separate accounts for special state funds. While raiding such funds has become commonplace, and perceived as a deceptive practice to perpetuate, Illinois taxpayers would be much better off if those billions of taxpayers’ dollars were put to use now, rather than squeezing taxpayers for untold billions more of their hard-earned dollars. Taxpayer Education Foundation (TEF), the research organization arm of TUA, has reported on this story and proposed abolishing these special state funds for more than a decade.
Unlike Wheeler, Rep. David McSweeney (R-Barrington Hills), is opposed to a retirement income tax and filed House Resolution 890 on December 2 to state his opposition, and has since been joined by 41 of his colleagues from both parties.
TUA will release a report concerning local government pensions tomorrow, Wednesday, January 6, 2016 – one of the leading factors driving the demand for increasing the state income tax and imposing a new income tax on retirement benefits. TUA’s analysis will cover Lincolnshire, Deerfield, and Highland Park government pensions. That data will be available on our website,
“Now is the ideal time to hold elected officials responsible for their records and the policies they support. Illinois taxpayers are encouraged to contact their members of the Illinois General Assembly and demand that they prevent the enactment of one of the worst tax policies possible for the state’s long-term financial health: raising the Illinois state income tax and creating a new state income tax on retirement benefits,” Labell concluded.


Taxpayers United of America’s data from the most recent pension study was analyzed by Reboot Illinois.

Each year, Taxpayers United of America, a Chicago-based organization that advocates for pension reform and tax relief, releases a list of the Top 200 government pensions in Illinois, or those topping $200,000 annually.
Of the 200 individuals receiving the biggest pension payouts in the state, 81 are members of the Teachers’ Retirement System and receive a combined average annual pension of $229,256. For some context, the average pension in TRS is $51,288.
Using the most recent available data from TUA, which was obtained from TRS through the Freedom of Information Act, we’ve updated our previous list of the Top 50 biggest pensioners in TRS, most of whom are former school district superintendents.
We’ve included each pensioner’s former employer and the year in which they retired. The TUA’s calculation for estimated lifetime pension payout assumes a life expectancy of 85 and factors in the 3 percent compounded cost of living adjustment, which TRS previously has refuted.
Top 50 biggest Illinois pension payouts in TRS
1. Lawrence Wyllie
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Lincoln-Way CHSD 210
Annual Pension: $302,991
Employee Contributions: $398,488
Age at Retirement: 75 (Retired June 2013)
Pension Paid to Date: $461,651
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $3.16 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 12.6%
2. Henry Bangser
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: New Trier Township HSD 203
Annual Pension: $294,524
Employee Contributions: $275,366
Age at Retirement: 57 (Retired July 2006)
Pension Paid to Date: $2.16 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $9.55 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.9%
3. Gary Catalani
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: CUSD 200
Annual Pension: $293,214
Employee Contributions: $289,151
Age at Retirement: 56 (Retired June 2011)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.89 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $10.23 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.8%
4. Laura Murray
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Homewood-Flossmoor CHSD 233
Annual Pension: $288,472
Employee Contributions: $298,591
Age at Retirement: 57 (Retired July 2008)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.68 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $9.95 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.0%
5. Mary Curley
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Hinsdale CCSD 181
Annual Pension: $280,172
Employee Contributions: $248,708
Age at Retirement: 55 (Retired June 2007)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.81 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $10.36 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.4%
6. Henry Gmitro
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: CCSD 93
Annual Pension: $273,573
Employee Contributions: $282,750
Age at Retirement: 56 (Retired July 2009)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.31 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $10.19 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.8%
7. Reginald Weaver
Title: President
Employer: Illinois chapter of the National Education Association (IEA)
Annual Pension: $273,113
Employee Contributions: $264,894
Age at Retirement: 69
Pension Paid to Date: $1.58 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $4.35 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 6.1%
8. Maureen Hager
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: North Shore SD 112
Annual Pension: $271,653
Employee Contributions: $277,774
Age at Retirement: 58 (Retired June 2009)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.35 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $9.14 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.0%
9. James Hintz
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Adlai E. Stevenson HSD 125
Annual Pension: $264,280
Employee Contributions: $235,017
Age at Retirement: 55 (Retired June 2005)
Pension Paid to Date: $2.12 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $9.22 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.5%
10. Jonathan Lamberson
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Riverside SD 96
Annual Pension: $262,516
Employee Contributions: $370,166
Age at Retirement: 58 (Retired June 2013)
Pension Paid to Date: $437,527
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $10.01 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.7%
11. Mohsin Dada
Title: Assistant District Superintendent & Treasurer
Currently the Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer at North Shore SD 112
Employer: Schaumburg CCSD 54
Annual Pension: $262,341
Employee Contributions: $299,494
Age at Retirement: 59
Pension Paid to Date: $868,662
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $8.88 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.4%
12. John Conyers
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Palatine CCSD 15
Annual Pension: $259,685
Employee Contributions: $217,805
Age at Retirement: 57 (Retired June 2003)
Pension Paid to Date: $2.47 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $7.71 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.8%
13. Larry Fleming
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Lincolnshire-Prairieview SD 103
Annual Pension: $258,163
Employee Contributions: $326,507
Age at Retirement: 55 (Retired June 2012)
Pension Paid to Date: $667,637
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $11.18 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.9%
14. Kevin Burns
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: CHSD 218
Annual Pension: $254,208
Employee Contributions: $223,197
Age at Retirement: 55 (Retired June 2007)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.61 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $9.37 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.4%
15. Dennis Kelly
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Lyons Twp HSD 204
Annual Pension: $251,365
Employee Contributions: $289,587
Age at Retirement: 62 (Retired July 2009)
Pension Paid to Date: $806,838
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $6.28 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 4.6%
16. Harry Griffith
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Lake Forest SD 67
Annual Pension: $248,804
Employee Contributions: $337,364
Age at Retirement: 61 (Retired June 2012)
Pension Paid to Date: $590,130
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $7.72 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 4.4%
17. Howard Bultinck
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Sunset Ridge SD 29
Annual Pension: $247,225
Employee Contributions: $257,014
Age at Retirement: 57 (Retired June 2007)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.62 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $8.26 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.1%
18. Norman Wetzel
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: CUSD 300
Annual Pension: $246,521
Employee Contributions: $179,203
Age at Retirement: 55 (Retired June 2002)
Pension Paid to Date: $2.50 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $7.87 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.3%
19. Lawrence Baskin
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: CCSD 89
Annual Pension: $244,622
Employee Contributions: $216,134
Age at Retirement: 58 (Retired June 2005)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.99 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $7.32 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.0%
20. Frances McTague
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Skokie SD 68
Annual Pension: $243,160
Employee Contributions: $315,881
Age at Retirement: 59 (Retired June 2014)
Pension Paid to Date: $143,869
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $9.01 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.5%
21. John Harper
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Plainfield SD 202
Annual Pension: $239,019
Employee Contributions: $329,796
Age at Retirement: 54 (Retired July 2014)
Pension Paid to Date: $141,574
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $11.51 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.9%
22. Ronald Patton
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Bloom Twp HSD 206
Annual Pension: $238,964
Employee Contributions: $203,340
Age at Retirement: 58 (Retired July 2004)
Pension Paid to Date: $2.12 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $6.94 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.9%
23. Marvin Edwards
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: SD U-46
Annual Pension: $238,185
Employee Contributions: $0
Age at Retirement: 58 (Retired July 2004)
Pension Paid to Date: $2.46 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $6.53 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 0.0%
24. Timothy Kanold
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Adlai E. Stevenson HSD 125
Annual Pension: $236,942
Employee Contributions: $213,978
Age at Retirement: 56 (Retired June 2007)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.53 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $8.32 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.6%
25. Gerald Chapman
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Township HSD 211
Annual Pension: $234,745
Employee Contributions: $196,925
Age at Retirement: 57 (Retired June 2007)
Pension Paid to Date: $2.58 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $6.59 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.0%
26. Dennis Conti
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Woodland CCSD 50
Annual Pension: $232,177
Employee Contributions: $220,399
Age at Retirement: 57 (Retired June 2005)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.89 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $7.33 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.0%
27. Michael Johnson
Title: Executive Director
Employer: Illinois Association of School Boards
Annual Pension: $231,942
Employee Contributions: $229,060
Age at Retirement: 55 (Retired May 2007)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.47 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $8.99 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.5%
28. James Gallagher
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Evergreen Park CHSD 231
Annual Pension: $231,228
Employee Contributions: $249,906
Age at Retirement: 60 (Retired July 2008)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.36 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $6.78 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.7%
29. Jack Barshinger
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Batavia USD 101
Annual Pension: $229,963
Employee Contributions: $307,184
Age at Retirement: 59 (Retired June 2013)
Pension Paid to Date: $350,381
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $8.27 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.7%
30. Glenn McGee
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Wilmette SD 39
Annual Pension: $228,395
Employee Contributions: $260,525
Age at Retirement: 56 (Retired June 2007)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.49 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $8.03 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.2%
31. Donald Weber
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Naperville CUSD 203
Annual Pension: $228,108
Employee Contributions: $213,568
Age at Retirement: 61 (Retired July 2003)
Pension Paid to Date: $2.21 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $5.45 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.9%
32. Susan Bridge
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Oak Park-River Forest SD 200
Annual Pension: $227,458
Employee Contributions: $238,380
Age at Retirement: 60 (Retired June 2007)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.53 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $6.47 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.7%
33. Linda Hanson
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Township HSD 113
Annual Pension: $226,856
Employee Contributions: $183,720
Age at Retirement: 56 (Retired July 2003)
Pension Paid to Date: $2.16 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $7.10 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.6%
34. John Rodgers
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Crete Monee CUSD 201U
Annual Pension: $225,979
Employee Contributions: $275,268
Age at Retirement: 55 (Retired June 2014)
Pension Paid to Date: $131,821
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $10.35 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.7%
35. Christopher Ward
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Lockport Twp HSD 205
Annual Pension: $224,318
Employee Contributions: $199,728
Age at Retirement: 60 (Retired July 2004)
Pension Paid to Date: $2.01 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $5.84 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.4%
36. Steve Humphrey
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: DuPage HSD 88
Annual Pension: $224,289
Employee Contributions: $346,253
Age at Retirement: 64 (Retired June 2012)
Pension Paid to Date: $549,531
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $5.80 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 6.0%
37. James White
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Queen Bee SD 16
Annual Pension: $223,595
Employee Contributions: $270,104
Age at Retirement: 62 (Retired June 2012)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.32 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $5.83 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 4.6%
38. Jean McGrew
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Northfield Twp HSD 225
Annual Pension: $223,493
Employee Contributions: $204,323
Age at Retirement: 64 (Retired July 1998)
Pension Paid to Date: $2.86 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $3.79 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 5.4%
39. Bruce Lane
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Mannheim SD 83
Annual Pension: $222,678
Employee Contributions: $285,661
Age at Retirement: 60 (Retired July 2011)
Pension Paid to Date: $745,895
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $7.13 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 4.0%
40. Joseph Palermo
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Berkeley SD 87
Annual Pension: $222,646
Employee Contributions: $260,911
Age at Retirement: 59 (Retired July 2009)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.13 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $7.11 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.7%
41. Edward Rafferty
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Schaumburg CCSD 54
Annual Pension: $221,083
Employee Contributions: $331,473
Age at Retirement: 58 (Retired June 2013)
Pension Paid to Date: $351,277
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $8.41 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.9%
42. Robert Howard
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Community Consolidated School District 59
Annual Pension: $220,041
Employee Contributions: $168,445
Age at Retirement: 59 (Retired July 2004)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.97 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $6.07 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.8%
43. Jack Schoenholtz
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Leyden CHSD 212
Annual Pension: $219,592
Employee Contributions: $176,716
Age at Retirement: 61 (Retired July 1999)
Pension Paid to Date: $2.73 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $4.68 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.8%
44. Mark Van Clay
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: La Grange SD 102
Annual Pension: $219,374
Employee Contributions: $262,100
Age at Retirement: 61 (Retired July 2009)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.11 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $6.25 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 4.2%
45. Richard Dufour
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Adlai Stevenson High School District 125
Annual Pension: $219,121
Employee Contributions: $190,390
Age at Retirement: 54 (Retired June 2002)
Pension Paid to Date: $2.20 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $7.33 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 2.6%
46. Roger Miller
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Hinsdale Twp HSD 86
Annual Pension: $218,230
Employee Contributions: $228,301
Age at Retirement: 60 (Retired July 2005)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.80 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $5.86 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.9%
47. Kathryn Robbins
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Leyden CHSD 212
Annual Pension: $217,958
Employee Contributions: $315,660
Age at Retirement: 58 (Retired June 2013)
Pension Paid to Date: $346,311
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $8.29 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.8%
48. Paul Swanstrom
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Joliet Twp HSD 204
Annual Pension: $217,735
Employee Contributions: $273,560
Age at Retirement: 58 (Retired July 2011)
Pension Paid to Date: $721,096
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $7.79 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 3.5%
49. Michael Smoot
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Wood Dale SD 7
Annual Pension: $216,873
Employee Contributions: $215,265
Age at Retirement: 61 (Retired July 2004)
Pension Paid to Date: $1.95 million
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $5.33 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 4.0%
50. Donna Joy
Title: District Superintendent
Employer: Flossmoor SD 161
Annual Pension: $216,135
Employee Contributions: $274,489
Age at Retirement: 64 (Retired July 2011)
Pension Paid to Date: $723,977
*Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout: $5.43 million
Percentage of Lifetime Estimate Paid by Employee: 5.1%


Taxpayers United Of America: (TUA). is a nonpartisan, 501(c)(4) taxpayer advocacy group. Founded June 27, 1976 in Chicago, Illinois by activist and economist Jim Tobin, TUA works on behalf of taxpayers to reduce local, state, and federal taxes. In the past forty years, TUA has saved taxpayers more than $200 billion n taxes and has become one of the largest taxpayer organizations in America. Check All posts. s.


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