Vermilion County First|Watchdog Group Cites Vermilion County Pensions

President of Taxpayers United of America, Jim Tobin, was quoted by Vermilion County First during the pension release of Vermilion County.

A government watchdog group is citing some Vermilion County government pensions as examples of what it calls over-inflated pensions.  Taxpayers United of America President, Jim Tobin, says many Vermilion County government retirees are enjoying seven-figure life-time pension payouts.  ‘’Well over 1,000 of Vermilion County area government pensioners receive million-dollar life-time pension pay-outs.  The pensioners average personal investment is only about five-and-a-half percent of the life-time pay-outs,’’ says Tobin.
‘’While local taxpayers, whose average household income is about $41-thousand dollars, struggle to make their property tax payments – working well beyond retirement age – these government pensioners enjoy lavish, gold-plated retirements beginning, on average, at the age of 58,’’ says Jim Tobin.  He is the president of Taxpayers United of America, which released the report.  Taxpayers United of America is urging state lawmakers to do away with what it calls over-inflated pensions.
Tobin made his comments during a news conference in Urbana.  He added the state will soon have to start reducing pension payments, due to a lack of funds.  But he could not pinpoint when that is expected to happen.
Tobin thinks the pension payouts to many Illinois government retirees is outrageous.  ‘’I think taxpayers should be outraged as I am that these people are retiring in their fifties and sixties and living the ‘Life of Riley’ on our dime.  We have to keep working into our sixties and seventies, and in some cases we have to work until we drop – we taxpayers – so these people can retire in their fifties and live the ‘Life of Riley’ on our dime,’’ added Tobin.
More information on the study conducted by Taxpayers United of America on pensions in Vermilion and Champaign Counties can be found at

Danville Government Pensions in Crisis

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Danville, IL—Taxpayers United of America (TUA) today released the results of their study of the top government pensioners of Vermilion County, Vermilion County government schools, Danville Community College, and Danville municipal.
“Hundreds of Vermilion County area government pensioners receive multi-million dollar lifetime pension payouts,” stated Jim Tobin, TUA president. “The pensioners’ average personal investment is only about 5.5% of the lifetime payouts.”
“While local taxpayers, whose average household income is about $41,000, struggle to make their property tax payments, working well beyond retirement age, these government pensioners enjoy lavish, gold-plated retirements beginning, on average, at the age of 58.”
“These ‘poor public servants,’ who collect more than the taxpayers who fund their salaries and pensions, enjoy nearly iron-clad job security and guaranteed increases in wages and retirement. These government employees are supported by a local economy where about 20% of constituents are below the poverty level. This is theft. This is immoral and unethical theft of taxpayers’ hard-earned money to be given to the political elite.”
“Danville fire and police pension funds are on the brink of ruin. With 25.1% and 35.23% funding ratios, respectively, and more retirees collecting benefits than employees paying into the fund, they are rapidly spiraling to insolvency.”
“There are now well over 12,154 Illinois government pensions over $100,000 and 85,893 over $50,000 annually! These numbers only pertain to the state pension funds and don’t include any of the hundreds of local police and fire pension funds! Those are staggering numbers, considering the taxpayers who fund these government pensions get an average Social Security pension of about $15,000 a year.”
“I defy teachers, or any government employee, to look into their neighbors’ eyes and say, ‘You deserve another pay cut so I can make more in retirement than you make working.’ They have to be able to say to their neighbors, ‘I don’t care if you can no longer afford your home’s property tax payment; I want more. I want more of your money. I want more of your wealth. I want more of your property.’ That is the reality of demanding more lavish government pensions,” challenged Tobin.
“Retired Danville CCSD 118 government employee, David L. Fields enjoys an annual taxpayer funded pension of $164,769. Over a normal lifetime, he will get about $2.7 million in pension payments. His personal investment in his rich pension is about 5.8% or $155,718 – less than one year of the government pension benefits he collects!”
Phillip C. Morgan retired from Danville Sanitation and his current annual pension is $126,339. He will collect about $2.8 million, while he only put in $115,618 of his own money, less than one year’s pension payout. That’s a 4% investment in his own multi-million dollar retirement payout!”
Click to view pensions for:

“Although we did not support or endorse SB 1 as any kind of pension reform, as it did more harm than good, the unanimous ruling of the Illinois Supreme Court clearly illustrates the limited options available to solve the pension crisis…and the answers are not tax increases!”
“A constitutional amendment that is fair to taxpayers, as well as government employees, must be approved next year to address the government pension crisis in Illinois. In the meantime, if the Illinois General Assembly increased individual government employee contributions to their own gold-plated pensions by 10 percentage points, it would save taxpayers about $150 billion over the next 35 years, or about $4.3 billion a year, and save the State of Illinois from financial ruin. If all else fails, there is always the option of moving forward with legislation to begin the process of allowing municipalities and government schools to file for Chapter 9.”
“Taxpayers must pursue these three paths forward to avoid disastrously higher taxes in the immediate future.”
“Rather than finding ways to perpetuate this horrible system that places copious amounts of cash in the hands of bureaucratic hacks, rank and file government pensioners should be calling for the complete reform and conversion to 401(k) style funds that place employees in control of their own futures. How many times will we trust politicians to do the right thing with the money collected for pensions and how many citizen groups will ‘discover’ that you just can’t tax your way out of this problem?”
“The choice is clear: without sweeping, meaningful pension reform, residents of Danville and nearly every other city in Illinois will have to choose between fully funding the pension systems to pay for past services rendered, or pay for the services we need today,” concluded Tobin.
*Lifetime estimated pension payout includes 3% compounded COLA and assumes life expectancy of 85 (IRS Form 590).

Shawano Gov. Schools Seek to Increase Debt to $43.3 Million

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Shawano, WI – Taxpayers United of America (TUA) urges Shawano School District taxpayers to VOTE NO on the $14 million property tax increase referendum November 3, 2015.
“Government school bureaucrats in Shawano suffer from the same policies that are destroying cities across the country….borrow, spend, rinse, repeat!” stated Jim Tobin, TUA president and Shawano resident.
“The school district can’t bare to give taxpayers a break by paying off existing debt. Instead, they plan to increase your property taxes through new debt of $14 million to grow their empire. Not to mention they are trying to pull a fast one on us by understating the property tax increase on their propaganda and omitting the interest on the debt. Shawano School district’s total debt would climb to $43.3 million if this referendum is passed.”
“The real reason for the special election is that voter turnout is typically much lower than in a regular election. This gives the bureaucrats the edge because they order the union minions to show up and vote for the referendum. After all, this additional $14 million in taxpayer expenditures will give plenty of the construction union members more taxpayer-funded jobs.”
“The Shawano School Board bureaucrats have already increased the 2015/2016 budget by $140,000 and plan on giving an automatic 2% wage increase to all school employees, whether they deserve it or not. I’m guessing that not too many of the taxpayers in Shawano School District have gotten automatic pay increases over the last several years.”
According to the Census Bureau, Shawano County’s per capita income is $23,500…that’s every man, woman, and child.
“Take a look at the salaries and estimated pensions of the Shawano government teachers and administrators. They are listed on the back of our VOTE NO flyer. Do you really think they are underpaid and need another pay increase? The top 8 or so names are all administrators who don’t educate students whatsoever.”
“It’s time for all government employees to understand that when they ask for more money, it is essentially like knocking on their neighbor’s door and demanding a check for $200 or more! Their employer isn’t some nameless, faceless government entity; they are their neighbors, the taxpayers who employ them and fund their salaries, benefits, and empire building.”
“63% of the Shawano School District operating budget goes to salaries, pensions, and other benefits of government school employees. This is down from about 76%, likely due to Gov. Walker’s reforms requiring teachers to pay into their own pensions.”
“Shawano taxpayers need to defeat this money grab and demand our school bureaucrats live within our means, not to continue to spend beyond what we can afford. They need to learn, once and for all, that the taxpayers refuse to let them treat us like their own personal ATM!”
“VOTE NO on the latest money grab on November 3. Polls are open from 7 am to 8 pm,” urged Tobin.
Click here to download a copy of our Flyer and Shawano Government Schools top salaries and estimated pensions.