“What’s Yours is Mine” – Rockford Government

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Chicago – Government bureaucrats are trying to pass a referendum on the March 20 ballot to grant unlimited Home Rue taxing powers to politicians.
“What more do you need to know about Home Rule than you give up your right to vote on future tax increases,” asked Jim Tobin, president of Taxpayers United of America (TUA).
“Home Rule isn’t about autonomy from Springfield, it’s about a complete lack of spending discipline and cost control. As taxes at the state and federal level are cut, Rockford government bureaucrats seek to increase taxes without voter approval in order to make up the difference,” added Tobin.
The City of Rockford commissioned a task force charged with making recommendations on closing the $10.2 million budget gap. The press release announcing the highlights can be read at https://rockfordil.gov/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Finance-Task-Force-Presents-Findings-to-Council-Dec-2017.pdf.
“The only cost-cutting the task force could come up with was curbing safety officers’ overtime. Of course, the rest of the budget deficit is suggested to be bridged by tax increases and the adoption of Home Rule to facilitate that”.
“At least the task force was able to identify the primary problem with the Rockford budget: increases in obligated pension costs.”
“Revenue shortfalls and significant increases in obligated pension costs have driven the growth of the budget deficit.”
“Imagine if we ran our businesses like the city of Rockford – We pay ourselves more than we can afford, in both wages and pensions, and then hold people up to cover the payments. That’s exactly what they are trying to do.”
“This task force goes so far as to say that if Home Rule doesn’t pass, they should impose a utility tax…that reveals that they want Home Rule so they can indiscriminately increase taxes. That is what Home Rule does. If their tax increase has merit, then why are they afraid to put it up for a vote?”
“Just look at the pensions that Rockford has authorized for its government employees. If you can’t afford your pension payments then maybe you are paying people too much. And you just might have too many people working for the city!”
Click on the links below to view the top pensions for the City of Rockford:
Click here for a list of top 2017 Rockford Pensions.
“In Illinois, approximately 80% of local taxes go to pay the salaries and pensions of government employees. The Rockford budget for 2018 is for $139 million. That means payroll and pensions cost Rockford taxpayers well over $100 million a year.”
“It’s time for Rockford to cut spending and give taxpayers a break,” concluded Tobin.
“Home Rule gives unlimited taxing power to government bureaucrats. Vote no on March 20th.”


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East Dundee—The Fox Valley Libertarian Party (FVLP) hosted an open meeting to educate voters on the danger of home rule,  and invited Taxpayers United of America (TUA) President Jim Tobin to be their guest speaker. The speech was directed at East Dundee residents, who will decide on March 20th whether their village will cease to be a Home Rule unit.   In his speech, Jim Tobin warned taxpayers that Home Rule is the most insidious form of government in America.
“Illinois Home Rule gives unlimited taxing power to bureaucrats,” said Jim Tobin. In some cases, Home Rule even takes away citizens’ right to vote on vital city issues and limits citizens’ voice in government mayoral and council elections. “Taxpayers are effectively muzzled, except at election time, and even then, their choices are limited.”
The FVLP meeting took place at the River Street Tavern in East Dundee. The room was filled past maximum capacity, forcing many community members to stand to hear Tobin’s speech. The meeting lasted past the time it was supposed to end, as greedy pro-Home Rule village trustees both past and present disrupted the taxpayer meeting.
During the meeting the trustees tried to justify Home Rule by pointing out the $30 million in bond debt the government issued. What they didn’t say, was that it was Home Rule that allowed the bonds to be issued without voter approval.  Home Rule  is “needed” to pay off these debts, presumably using the unlimited taxing power to raise village property taxes. The Village of East Dundee only has a population of 3,182 as of 2016. The trustees also denied that property taxes pay village government retires, which they actually do through the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF).
Julie Fox, Chair of the FVLP stated, “We started a conversation that needed to happen. I consider this one of the most successful FVLP chapter meetings we’ve ever had.”
TUA, along with other local activists are also opposing Home Rule in Rockford, and Homewood.

Taxpayers Oppose Three New Home Rule Referendums

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Chicago – Jim Tobin, President of Taxpayers United of America’s (TUA), today stated that opposing Home Rule is crucial for residents concerned with their skyrocketing property taxes.
“In the upcoming March elections, wealthy government bureaucrats want voters to approve Home Rule for their communities,” said Tobin. “Home Rule is a disaster. It gives unlimited taxing authority to local bureaucrats to fund their lavish, gold plated pensions. Illinois is broke, because of an unsustainable pension system. Taxpayers must reject Home Rule on the March 20 ballot.”
TUA is helping local supporters oppose three home rule referendums on the ballot in March: Homewood, East Dundee, and Rockford. TUA helped repeal home rule in the City of Rockford in 1983, the largest community to have home rule repealed. Now TUA is back to help preserve the rights of taxpayers in these three municipalities.
Click below to access printable versions of the flyers for Rockford, Homewood, and East Dundee.

Tobin emphasizes that Home Rule always means higher taxes.
“Home Rule means, literally, unlimited taxing power,” said Tobin. “A home rule municipality can create just about any tax under the sun and raise taxes without limit.”
“I call it ‘Home Ruin.’ Why would anyone want to give up the right to vote on property tax increases?”
“Home Rule removes the cap limiting the amount that bureaucrats can increase property taxes. It gives bureaucrats a blank check. How many government bureaucrats would you trust with a blank check bearing your signature?” Home Rule drives consumers to neighboring communities where the taxes on products and services are lower.”