Madison St Clair Record | More protests planned by Illinois taxpayers looking for change

The latest protest by the groups Taxpayers United of America and the Illinois Tax Revolution was covered by Madison St. Clair Record.

CHICAGO – More protests are being planned by Illinois taxpayers seeking relief from steep property tax increases.
Protests are being led by Taxpayers United of America and the Illinois Tax Revolution in an effort to spark policy changes in Illinois government.
“We are hoping to have an impact on the state’s finances and get legislation passed to freeze or roll back property taxes,” Jared Labell, executive director of Taxpayers United of America told the Record.
The latest protest by the group was held on Oct 12 at the Thompson Center in downtown Chicago with more being planned throughout the state all the way into the new year. The organizations plan to converge again during the November veto session in Springfield and is working with local taxpayers to coordinate more areas for protest.
“We absolutely plan on continuing these activities through the winter as conditions permit, starting off well into the new year with keeping this issue at the forefront,” said Labell.
According to Labell, there are several instances where taxpayers feel stuck because they can’t sell their homes because the property taxes are too high in the state. These people feel trapped and are in need of change., he said.
He added that people want tax relief as well as reform to government pensions, consolidation of school districts and consolidation or elimination of some of the approximately 7,000 taxing entities in Illinois.
In the latest Freedom in the 50 States analysis from the Cato Institute, Illinois ranked 44th for fiscal, regulatory and personal freedom policies. For local taxes it came in at 49th and government debt it was at 44th in the U.S.
For Taxpayers United of America, this has become a non-partisan issue that is spread across all political boundaries and affects every Illinois resident regardless of party affiliation.
“This isn’t simply a partisan issue,” said Labell. “This affects everyone across the political spectrum. It’s a multi-faceted problem and there’s a lot of reasons we’re in the current situation we’re in.”
There is hope for Illinois as Labell predicts change soon as the organizations have gained support from some legislators.
“I think we are nearing a time of significant political change,” he said. “I don’t know what the tipping point will be but I think the finances are in such a terrible state right now that I think there is an opportunity to bridge gaps across the political spectrum and work together to try to affect change within the state.”

“Safe Roads” Amendment Unsafe for Illinois Taxpayers

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Chicago – “Safe Roads Amendment” sounds so good. Who could possibly vote against it? However, the measure would be more aptly named, “Safe Revenue for Contractors and Unions” or “The Tax Increase Amendment,” stated Jim Tobin.
“Proponents of the amendment see this as a way to increase taxes to benefit their cronies. Former Illinois legislator and union crony, Jim Reilly openly states that this amendment will make it easier to raise taxes!”
“This amendment would also provide yet another constitutionally protected siphoning of taxpayer wealth for the benefit of special interests — the special interests that continually contribute funds to reelect the very legislators who seemingly can’t be trusted to spend tax dollars appropriately,” added the Taxpayers United of America president.
“Union bosses and contractors are drooling at the thought of a steady revenue stream protected by the Constitution. I can see driving across beautiful roads while the rest of the state is falling in ruin around us. Without an emergency release of this designation of taxes, funds could never be used where a greater need may exist.”
“A better solution would be to fire the lawmakers you don’t trust by voting them out of office.
The purpose of the Constitution is not to protect select groups of individuals, like the government employees and their pensions, but to protect the taxpayers from out-of-control government.”
“I strongly urge Illinois taxpayers to recognize this amendment for what it is: cronyism in its worst form, approved by the many to benefit a few, through additional tax increases, and packaged as a taxpayer benefit. On November 8, Vote “NO” on the proposed Tax Increase Amendment.”
“Fire about 80% of the incumbent lawmakers and hire people you trust to spend our money more wisely, lawmakers that will put seriously helpful amendments on the ballot,” urged Tobin.
“Illinois’ finances are among the worst in the country largely due to government-employee pensions. Where is the amendment that would protect taxpayers from this inevitable catastrophe? Where is the amendment that would limit the terms of the General Assembly, thereby limiting their power and indebtedness to special interests? Where is the amendment that prevents politically motivated district maps or gerrymandering?”
“Illinois has real financial problems and this amendment will not help, but instead will drive us further into financial ruin,” concluded Tobin.

Referenda Watch 2016: Tax Hikes!

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Chicago — It’s that time of year again: when trees are aflame with fall colors, football is in full swing, the little goblins are blissfully anticipating the thought of mountains of candy, and…the government cabal is again reaching for your wallet!
Rather than cut spending to meet the existing revenue, hundreds of government agencies are expecting voters to approve measures that will steal even more of our hard-earned money.
In these difficult economic times, government school bureaucrats are seeking bond issues of gargantuan proportions to build new schools, athletic facilities, and other non-educational expenditures.
These bonds and the interest on the principle are paid by raising your property taxes.
Champaign Community Unit School District #4 is seeking an unbelievable $183.4 million in bond debt for building enhancements, additions, and even a new building. This is their third bite at the apple as referenda for $144 Million and $149 million have failed in the most recent elections.
If that isn’t bad enough, the Village of Round Lake Park is seeking a bond issue approval of $5.4 million to reduce the amount of unfunded pension liabilities for the police. Borrowing money to pay a debt is much like paying one credit card with another. This practice can lead to nothing but trouble for the taxpayers of Round Lake Park.
Overall, there are 218 tax-increase, advisory, and other miscellaneous referenda on the ballot for the general election on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.
Please check the list at the link below to see if you will be facing any of these referenda on your ballot. We need to send a loud and clear message to the government bureaucrats that we have had enough!
Tuesday, November 8, 2016 General Election Referenda
Taxpayers United has been fighting for taxpayers for over forty years. We have saved taxpayers billions of their hard-earned dollars by helping to defeat 420 local property tax increases since our founding in 1976.