Civic Federation Bites Illinois Taxpayers Again

The Civic Federation, described as “One of the state’s most prominent tax watchdog groups,” has called for the Illinois General Assembly to raise the state personal income tax rate a back-breaking 67% and the corporate income tax rate a job-killing 22% (from 7.3 to 8.9%). Not willing to stop there, they also call for additional taxes on retirees, smokers, and businesses.
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Republican Gubernatorial Candidates Dillard and Brady Signed Illinois Taxpayer Protection Pledge

CHICAGO—The votes are still being counted in the Republican primary race for Illinois governor, but Jim Tobin, President of Tax Accountability, is not apprehensive about the outcome. Both of the leading candidates, Kirk Dillard (R-24, Westmont) and Bill Brady (R-44, Bloomington), are signers of the Illinois Taxpayer Protection Pledge.
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