Telemundo Chicago | Cobran fuerza las "cámaras de velocidad"

Christina Tobin, TUA’s Vice President, was featured in a story from Telemundo Chicago for her testimony against Chicago’s speed-camera ordinance. To see the video, click on the image below.

Una propuesta para instalar 300 camaras destinadas a medir la velocidad cerca de escuelas y parques alrededor de la ciudad, cobro fuerza hoy en el comite para la seguridad vehicular y de peatones en Chicago.

Los conductores que sean captados por estas cámaras excediendo el límite de velocidad entre seis y 10 millas por hora serán multados $35 dólares. Si se pasan de las 11 millas podrían pagar hasta $100.
La idea parece buena, pero no todos están de acuerdo. De hecho el alcalde Rahm Emmanuel tuvo que reducir el monto que originalmente se había propuesto para las multas y el horario en que funcionarán las cámaras para calmar los ánimos.
Por ejemplo Christina Tobin, vice presidenta de la Organización de Contribuyentes Unidos de América, dice que la ordenanza tiene como objetivo recaudar dinero para financiar un convaleciente programa de pensiones.
Los propulsores de la ley argumentan que otras ciudades en el país han reducido en un 70 por ciento las muertes a causa de conductores irresponsables por medio del uso de cámaras.
En Chicago un 40 por ciento de los accidentes con peatones son personas que huyen de la escena de un accidente. Esta cifra es el doble del promedio nacional.
Para la iniciativa este es solo el primer paso. Ahora pasará al Pleno del Concejo, pero allí, también se espera que sea aprobada.

ABC News 10 | Pension study reveals gov't officials making millions

Findings from TUA’s pension project on New York State are featured in this piece from ABC News 10. Click on the image below to watch the video.
ALBANY, N.Y. – A press conference was held Tuesday to discuss the results of a new pension study. The study exposes the top pensions for retired government employees of Albany County, New York State government retirees, and statewide government teachers.
The top 100 state employee pensions each exceed $4.1 million, while all 100 of the top teachers exceed $5.5 million. One former SUNY employee’s pension is $11.8 million.
At the conference, Christina Tobin, Vice President for Taxpayers United of America (TUA), discussed the letters she delivered to Gov. Andrew Cuomo and members of the New York Legislature. Tobin wants them to expand the pension reforms passed last week, which don’t apply to present employees.

Capitol Confidential | Here’s your Top 100 state employee pensions and for schools too

Findings from TUA’s pension project on New York State are featured in this article at Capitol Confidential.
We’ve had lists for some time now of state and local public employee salaries and pensions, starting first with the Empire Center and then followed by newspapers including our own.
The phenomenon has spread over the past few years, thanks to digitization of payroll data, the growing ease of putting documents on the web, and a growing awareness of the cost of government.
The latest twist comes from the Illinois-based Taxpayers United of America which is looking to expand membership to other high-tax states like New York and Pennsylvania.
The group’s vice-president Christina Tobin and outreach director, Rae Ann McNeilly, came through Albany this morning and they were equipped with their version of Top 100 government pensions list. Rather than listing individuals with fat pensions, they use actuarial predictions to attach an overall cost per person.
Philip W. Wood, SUNY’s former vice chancellor for capitol facilities, for instance, gets a $186,295 pension, and put in actuarial terms his estimated payout is $6.9 million — based on a model that assumes retirement at age 55 and a lifespan to age 85.
A brief look at the costliest retirements suggest that K-12 public schools, SUNY, the health care and legal fields pay the most.
In the school system, the highest cost comes from former Commack Superintendent James Hunderfund, whose actuarial cost is a eye-popping $11.8 million.