Chicago – Jim Tobin, President of Taxpayers United of America’s (TUA), has announced that taxpayers will be fighting Home Rule in the Village of Crestwood.
“In the upcoming November elections, wealthy government bureaucrats want voters to approve Home Rule for their communities,” said Tobin. “Home Rule is a disaster. It gives unlimited taxing authority to local bureaucrats to fund their lavish, gold plated pensions. Illinois is broke, because of an unsustainable pension system. Taxpayers must reject Home Rule on the November 3 ballot.”
Click below to access printable versions of the Crestwood flier.
Tobin emphasizes that Home Rule always means higher taxes. “Home Rule means, literally, unlimited taxing power,” said Tobin. “A home rule municipality can create just about any tax under the sun and raise taxes without limit.”
“I call it ‘Home Ruin.’ Why would anyone want to give up the right to vote on property tax increases?”
“Home Rule removes the cap limiting the amount that bureaucrats can increase property taxes. It gives bureaucrats a blank check. How many government bureaucrats would you trust with a blank check bearing your signature?”