TUA Opposes 7 Tax-Increase Referenda Scheduled For March 20 Election

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CHICAGO–The president of Taxpayers United of America (TUA) today announced that the taxpayer organization is opposing 7 tax-increase referenda that will appear on the March 20 ballot in Illinois.
“This is the largest number of tax-increase referenda appearing on a single date we have opposed since 1982,” said Jim Tobin, TUA President. “Our members have defeated more than 100 home rule referenda since 1980.”
“We are opposing the home-rule unlimited-taxing-power referenda that Clarendon Hills, Itasca, Princeton, Prospect Heights, Lynwood, and Merrionette Park are attempting to con their voters into accepting.”
“These relatively small municipalities are already paying their so-called public servants huge salaries, and if voters make the mistake of adopting home-rule unlimited taxing power, homeowners would be exempt from the current 5% property tax cap, and will be subject to property tax increases of any amount, at any time. In addition, home rule would allow local governments to impose new taxes in businesses, gasoline, groceries, parking, and almost anything else.”
“These local governments want to line their employees’ pockets with even more taxpayer dollars. When these overpaid government employees retire, their generous salaries will qualify them for lavish, gold-plated pensions.”
“Voters in these municipalities need to be informed that 80% of their local tax dollars go to pay the salaries and benefits of their local government employees. That’s a huge percentage.”
“Clarendon Hills’ Fire Chief, Brian Leahy, for example, pulled in a gross salary (2010) of $199,128 a year. More than 10 police pensions are over $30,000 a year. Former Police Chief, Thomas Reasoner, receives a whopping $65,000 a year pension while at the same time getting paid for a Deputy Director position at the North East Multi-Regional Training Center.”
“Nine retired government-employees in Itasca have annual pensions of over $50,000 a year.”
“The seventh referenda TUA is opposing is a property-tax hike proposed by Evanston School Dist. 65, which would raise local property taxes to build a new palatial government-school building and add to existing schools.” TUA has defeated 192 property tax increase referenda since 1977.

Taxpayers Oppose Civic Federation's Suggested $1-a-pack Cigarette Tax Increase

CHICAGO–The President of Taxpayers United of America (TUA) today condemned the Civic Federation’s recommendation that the state tax on a pack of cigarettes be raised $1-a-pack. “Not only would such a huge tax increase be counterproductive, but this high regressive tax would drive many small stores out of business, especially minority businesses that are barely surviving in this recession,” said Jim Tobin, TUA President.
“Illinois’ state tax on cigarettes was increased from 58 cents-a-pack to 98 cents-a-pack in 2002. An even larger tax increase is the last thing Illinois needs now.”
“Most tax increases on tobacco have actually resulted in decreasing rather than increasing revenues, as smokers travel to municipalities with lower taxes, or buy cigarettes on the black market,” said Tobin.
“Rising cigarette taxes also have been accompanies by a sharp increase in illegal trafficking of contraband cigarettes. Low-income people who smoke have gotten poorer as criminals engaging in cigarette smuggling have gotten richer.”
“The recommended tax increase per pack will result in such a high tax burden in Cook County and Chicago that it will drive sales to neighboring municipalities in Northeastern Illinois.”
“Of the 57 state excise tax increases between FY 2003 and FY 2007, only 16 met or exceeded projected revenues. In the other instances, states fell short of projections by as much as 181 percent.”
“The state should slash its out-of-control spending and cut taxes, not raise them,” said Tobin.
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Oppose 90% Toll Tax Increase!

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The Illinois Toll Highway Authority today holds its final two public hearings on the proposed 90 percent toll tax increase. Today’s hearings will be in Schaumburg (Cook County) from 4pm to 6pm and Buffalo Grove (Lake County) from 7pm to 9pm.
Boosters for the toll hike—including unions, contractors, and political lackeys, are expected to continue showing up in full force at the hearings. Taxpayers and commuters are needed to attend and make sure the tough questions are asked.
Taxpayers United of America (TUA) Vice President Christina Tobin and Director of Outreach Rae Ann McNeilly will testify against the proposed 90 percent toll tax increase today at 4pm in Schaumburg (with a list of the Top 100 Illinois Tollway salaries)! Read more